Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday - Books with My Favorite Color in the Title

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl is Books with My Favorite Cover in the Title (or on the cover).  I'm going with title though it ended up being way more challenging than I expected.  My favorite color is green and there aren't nearly as many books with green in the title as I expected!  To make it a little easier on myself I did a few books that I've already read with green in the title.  I also threw in some books with emerald in the title because that totally counts.

To Read:

The Green Road by Anne Enright - This is a new one for me but now it's really high on my TBR!  It's a family saga set in Ireland which are two of my favorite things in one book!  Plus I do love the cover.

Green Angel by Alice Hoffman - This is actually a YA book from Alice Hoffman which I had never seen before.  It involves personal tragedy and gardening so I'm intrigued.

The Children of Green Knowe by L.M. Boston - At first I was a little confused by this middle grade as I thought it was L.M. Montgomery and I was shocked to see that there was one I hadn't read but this looks way more magic and way less Prince Edward Island.

A Study in Emerald by Neil Gaiman - I've read a few Neil Gaiman books in the last year or so and enjoyed them and this one with a Sherlock Holmes spin sounds interesting.

The Deception of the Emerald Ring by Lauren Willig - This is actually the 3rd book in the Pink Carnation series so I'd probably start with number one but I've been wanting to try this series by Willig.

Books I've Read

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - This is one of my absolute favorite series so I couldn't leave it out!

Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss - I had kind of forgotten about this one but the Tornado dug out all his Dr. Seuss books after Dr. Seuss Week at school and we really enjoyed rereading this one.  Definitely one of my favorites.

What is your favorite color?  What are your favorite books with colors in the title?


  1. Ooh nice picks! I love green in titles or the cover ha ha! The Green Road is a nice cover, and Green Eggs and Ham- love that one!

  2. I have a friend who loves green, but it has nothing to do with books. (lol) He cares mostly about all things cash. You shared some great reads. Hugs...RO

  3. Great topic and really nice covers!

  4. What a fun roundup of books! I'm intrigued by "The Green Road," as like you said, it involves two of my favorite things: that beautiful turquoise color in the cover and Ireland. I'm in love with anything UK. :)

  5. I like green too. In fact, when I was in high school, I talked my mother into letting me paint the walls of my room a soft green. At that time, walls with color were not as popular. Anyway, I like the 'jewel tones' in colors. You should try Lauren Willig's Pink Carnation series. It's interesting. And Green Eggs and Ham - well, that was my daughter's favorite as a little girl - she is a 'Samantha' and many called her 'Sam'. At that point in time, she would always inform them that 'Sam is a boy's name!', but when she got to be a teenager, it was cool and she's been 'Sam' ever since.

  6. Emerald is beautiful and how can you not like Green Eggs and Ham? Great list!


  7. I'm skipping TTT this week because I just can't come up with much! My favorite color is green as well and the only two I could think of were your last two. Oh well. Good job coming up with 10 for this surprisingly difficult topic!

  8. A fun question...and green is my favorite color too!

  9. Green really is underrepresented! Love your choices.

  10. Yikes what an endeavour to go find books with your favourite colour, you have done really well. I love that green colour but it was our school colours and so I didn't really wear after that but still liked it. Hmm mine are yellow, purple, orange, scarlet - and I am not even going to go looking for books with those in the title!

  11. I went with the easy route and found covers with the same color ;) but you found a good list of books with green in the title! The Neil Gaiman piece sounds interesting-- I've read some his books and really enjoyed them.

  12. Green is my fav color as well. But I adore a Green/Blue combo in a cover. It catches my eye like no other colors.

  13. Oh you would totally like that series by Lauren Willig!!! Have you ever seen the movie The Scarlet Pimpernel with Anthony Andrews, Jane Seymour and Ian McKellen? That Willig series is very loosely based on that movie.

    Another book with Emerald in the title is Newt's Emerald by Garth Nix. I liked it, but it's been a bit and I honestly don't remember too much.

  14. That's an interesting question. I can't really thing off the top of my head favorite titles with a color word in it.
    Thank you for your great comment on my sewing post. I'm looking forward to trying more patterns and slowly adding to my Me Made wardrobe.

  15. The Green Road looks interesting! Pretty cover, too :)

  16. I like green and the Anne of Green Gables book is beautiful.

  17. Yours is the second "green" list I've read today! YES on Anne of Green Gables, and if you haven't read the Green Knowe books yet, you're in for a treat! Especially The Children of Green Knowe and The Treasure of Green Knowe, which are my favorites.

  18. My husband's favorite color is green too. :-) These are all great choices! You can't leave off Green and Ham, of course. :-)

  19. My fave color was green until I hit my 30s and then it started to change every few years. I still love it, though. :)
