Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Antique Blues - Cozy Mystery Review

Rating: Very Good
Source: NetGalley

When amateur sleuth and antiques expert Josie Prescott is called in to appraise a Japanese woodblock print and vintage guitar for her friend Mo, she’s thrilled—until Mo is murdered.

It doesn’t take her long to pinpoint one suspect: Mo’s sister’s manipulative boyfriend, who sold her the print—and has now, conveniently, disappeared. Josie’s antiques know-how and detective skills soon lead her down an increasingly perplexing trail, scattered with gamblers, extramarital affairs, and under-the-table purchases.

Readers will relish a return to Rocky Point with Josie as she works together with her friends—the ambitious young reporter Wes Smith, and Rocky Point’s savvy police chief, Ellis Hunter—to sift through the conflicting stories around them and find Mo’s killer.

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:
  I think I read the first one in this series years ago and enjoyed it.  As well I love antiques so a series set around an appraiser really appealed to me.

My Impression:
  It's no big secret that I'm a fan of cozy mystery but what do I love almost as much?  Art related mysteries!  If there's a theft or a forgery to be had or a sketchy provenance there is no way I can resist.  Now combine a cozy mystery with an art related mystery and the book is pretty much written for me.  This series pretty much proves that point.   While I don't remember if I read the 1st book I can guarantee you I'll be tracking it and the rest of the series down from this point on.

So what was so great?  For starters Josie's business as an antiques expert and appraiser isn't just window dressing.  She shows up at work and the reader actually sees some of the work that goes into determining if a piece of art is the real thing or not.  I liked this investigation mixed in with just who the murderer was and why had Mo been killed.  The murder investigation does take a starring role and I was pretty clueless for quite some time as to just who had done it.  I spent a lot of time trying to deduce just what was a red herring and what wasn't which added to my enjoyment of the reading experience.  As well there's a team work element between Josie, Wes and Ellis which I loved.

Needless to say I thoroughly enjoyed this book as it had a lot of elements that I personally adore.  This is a great mystery with likable characters that work well together.  If you love antiques, art or mysteries this is a fun series that shouldn't be missed.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?
  Absolutely!  I need the first 11 books immediately!

Would I Recommend this Book?
  Yes, especially if you enjoy cozy mysteries AND Antiques Roadshow.  This was  a lot of fun and I had no problem starting the series with this book.


  1. I like Antiques Roadshow so I can see this being fun. I always liked the Thomas Crown Affair w/ Rene russo and Pierce Brosnan too- fun movie. Art and mysteries go well together :)

  2. I read several books in this series years ago and liked them, but lost track of the series. I think I'll see if I can figure out what I've read and what is new! Thanks, Katherine!

  3. I always hate it when a book gives the MC an interesting job just for show-- I prefer books like this, which spending time talking about the job. I love Antiques Roadshow! And murder mysteries-- I might check this series out next time I'm in the mood for a cozy mystery.

  4. I love Antiques Roadshow and think that this books sounds really good. Plus that cover is great! It has been a while since I picked up a cozy but I really like the sound of this one. I like that you had no trouble jumping into the series on #12.

  5. I too love threads dealing with antiques, so this appeals to me.

  6. I am a fan of antiques, too, and this story is one I've been eyeing. Thanks!

  7. It is the best when you find a book you just love! I'm so glad you enjoyed this one. Have you read Hidden Riches by Nora Roberts? I think there was some kind of thing with art. I always really liked that one, but haven't read it in years!

  8. Very appealing, and I'd read it for sure if I could only fit it into my reading, but... you never know!

  9. I love that cover! I haven't read anything by Cleland before, but I love the sound of this series.
