Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday - 2024 Releases I Was Excited About But Didn't Read

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is 2024 Releases I Was Excited About But Didn't Read (Yet).  I've gotten better about prioritizing releases I'm excited about but there are always more books than time.

1.  Murder Road by Simone St. James - I love everything by this author that I've read and this one looks great.

2.  Apprentice to the Villian by Hannah Nicole Maehrer - I preordered this one as soon as I finished Book 1 but still haven't read it!

3.  A Witch's Guide to Magical Innkeeping by Sangu Mandanna - I really enjoyed the first one and meant to read this one as soon as it came out.

4.  Everyone On This Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson - This one caught my eye so I read the first book which hadn't appealed to me and ended up loving it.  I was even more excited about this one but never quite got around to picking this one up.

5.  The Author's Guide to Murder by Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig, and Karen White - I've enjoyed other books by these authors (both as a trio and individually) and this one looks great.

6.  A Dark and Secret Magic by Wallis Kinney - I've seen fantastic reviews for this one and bought a copy but ran out of time. 

7.  The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year by Ally Carter - I really meant to read this one around the holidays but hopefully next year!

8.  First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston - I've read great things about this one and hoped to get to it but am still on hold for the audio.

9.  The Phoenix Crown by Kate Quinn - Honestly I meant to read anything by Kate Quinn this year but didn't get to it.

10. The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong - This looks gorgeous and it was high up on my list to read but once again too many books and not enough time!

What 2024 releases were you excited about but haven't read (yet)?


  1. Nice list! Several here that I'd like to try. I have read Murder Road and talked about it with our mystery book group. I will say that it wasn't my favorite of Simone St. James' books. It was good though. The Broken Girls is still my favorite of all of hers.

  2. There are always more books than time! We will never catch up! Lol. You have a few of my favorite books of the year on here. I would just hold off on A Dark and Secret Magic now until fall. It is the perfect autumn read!!

  3. Oh, my list is legion on that count! I just keep adding to Goodreads and hope I am not hit with another "Oooo, shiny!" and change reading plans. haha

  4. The only one I've read on the list is Teller of Small Fortunes and I'd highly recommend it. There are some others I would like to read. Most of my want to reads are books I own or series I want to read but have barely started and have many books. I'm working on them as I can.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  5. I loved A Witch's Guide to Magical Innkeeping! The Ally Carter one is lots of fun, too. :D

  6. "... there are always more books than time." So true!

    I loved The Teller of Small Fortunes! The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year was fun; I think you would really enjoy it because of the way it pays homage to (and sometimes pokes fun at) the tropes of Christie-style mysteries.

    I love the cover of A Dark and Secret Magic. And I would like to read Everyone On This Train Is a Suspect and The Author's Guide to Murder, too. I hope we both get around to those this year.

    By the way, technically you didn't miss The Witch's Guide to Magical Innkeeping, because the publication date got pushed back; it's not being released until July 2025. That's the second or third delay in publication for this book. So you can add it to your list of 2025 releases!

  7. Great list. I want to read Murder Road too. I read other books by that author and I love her writing. Hope you get to read your list!

  8. I want to read all of these! I had forgotten about A Witch's Guide to Magical Innkeeping. How could I forget about that one?! The only one from your list I have read is Murder Road, which I really liked. I hope you will too! I hope you enjoy all of these when you read them.

  9. I love the cover for A Dark and Secret Magic. 🤗

  10. I loved the Teller of Small Fortunes and Murder Road. Enjoy!

  11. I will never understand why we do this to ourselves. Yet on we go!
