Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books on My TBR That Include Ghosts

 Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Books That Include your favorite theme or plot device.  I'm looking at 10 Fiction books involving ghosts.  I'm not entirely sure if this counts but it's my favorite thing at the moment so I'm going with it.

1.  The Hotel Nantucket by Elin Hilderbrand - I've been wanting to read this author for ages and this story involves an angry ghost and an old hotel so I can't resist.

2.  The Ghost and Mrs Muir by R.A. Dick - I read this book many times decades ago and loved it and have really been wanting to reread it.

3.  Happy Medium by Sarah Adler - I have heard good things about this author and this sounds like a good ghostly read.

4.  Haunt Sweet Home by Sarah Pinsker - I picked this book up at a local bookstore and it looks like a lot of fun.

5.  A Haunting on the Hill by Elizabeth Hand - Pretty much the same as above but this looks much creepier.

6.  The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston - I've heard such good things about this book and this author that I really need to try it.

7.  The Dead Guy Next Door by Lucy Score - Somehow I missed this author until I stumbled across a big display of her books.  They look like fun reads.

8.  Murder Can Mess Up Your Masterpiece by Rose Pressey - I do love a good cozy with a ghost and this one looks so fun!

9.  Lost Among the Living by Simone St James - I really enjoy this author and this book is a bit of an older one of hers but looks wonderfully Gothic-y.

10. The Christmas Guest by Peter Swanson - I really loved the one book I've read by this author and this looks like it involves some potentially haunted woods so that sounds goof.

What ghostly books are on your TBR?

Monday, March 10, 2025

TBR Tarot - The Family Vault

At the end of 2022 Wendy over at Literary Feline posted about these fantastic TBR Tarot Cards she had picked up on Etsy and that sounded too good to resist so I immediately ordered my own set.  So when I'm not feeling strongly about what to read next I pull out my cards and pick a book based on the prompt.  Here is a book the fates chose for me recently.

Prompt:  Choose a Book Where the Author's First Name Begins with "C"

Goodreads:  The Family Vault by Charlotte MacLeod

Blurb:  Great-uncle Frederick has passed away, and the Kelling clan of Boston has made plans to put the old gentleman's remains in the family vault on Beacon Hill. When the vault is opened, however, there's someone already there that no one could have ever expected -- the skeleton of a burlesque queen who disappeared thirty years ago!

With the help of private detective Max Bittersohn, it's up to Sarah Kelling to hold the shocked family together, and try to find out what happened. What they unravel is a complex murder plot that not only stretches into the past, but also has Sarah marked as a victim!

My Thoughts:  This was so fun!  If I read this author before it has been a while so I wasn't quite sure what to expect going when I started this one.  While the book starts with quite a startling event it does take a bit for the investigation to get started or to warm up to Sarah.  However, when things get going they REALLY get going.  This was quite a roller coaster with all kinds of fascinating clues and and interesting characters.  The motives kept me guessing and I really enjoyed the collaboration of Max and Sarah.  I will definitely be looking for more from this author and looking for the rest of this series.   My Thoughts:  Really Liked It (4 Stars)

Sunday, March 9, 2025

This Week in Reading - March 9


It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

I took a trip to the library this week to pick up a few holds and to browse the stacks and see if anything jumped out at me.  I only picked up a few which is pretty restrained I think.

Agatha Christie by Lucy Worsley

The Foundling: The True Story of a Kidnapping, a Family Secret, and My Search for the Real Me by Paul Fronczak

The Backyard Bird Chronicles by Amy Tan

The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune


Reading:  The Wolf Tree by Laura McCluskey and Puzzled 4 Murder by J.C. Eaton

Listening:  The Liar by Nora Robets (I was feeling the need for a reread)

How I Made This Week Cozy:  I did try and make a bit more effort to use free time effectively instead of just doom scrolling on my phone.  I went to lunch with friends, dinner with my husband twice at places we've been wanting to try, and I had some good quality time with Will.  I've also been making more of an effort to read during the day and to drink a cup of herbal tea.  I also got some pantry and fridge organizing done as it's gotten a bit out of control and it feels amazing to have that cleaned out.  This week I'm tackling my office I think,  

How was your reading this week?  What did you do to make this week cozy?

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Monthly Reading Recap - February 2025

Monthly Reading Total:  16 -
I had surgery on my finger right at the beginning of the month and between that and recovery it definitely slowed down my reading a bit.


Print:  6

Ebook:  5

Audio: 5


Mystery - 8

Fiction - 5

Romance - 2

Nonfiction - 1 

Favorite Book of the Month:

These were both ebooks that I always looked forward to picking up at the end of the day.

My Armchair Travels:

Domestic Travel:  I visited Minnesota, Texas, Virginia (twice), and Oregon for the first time this year. I also revisited California.

International Travel:  I went to England quite a bit (6 times), Denmark, and Myanmar though it was 1950s Burma at the time.

How was your reading in February?  Where did your reading take you?

Friday, March 7, 2025

Friday Fives - March TBR

 I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much. This is the first Friday in March so I'm picking out five books I hope to read this month.

1.  The Story She Left Behind by Patti Callahan Henry - This is one of my favorite authors and I can't wait to read this one!

2.   Let Me Lie by Clare Mackintosh - I picked this up on an Audible sale.  I like the sound of this one and really enjoyed the one book I've read by her.

3.  Agatha Christie:  A Very Elusive Woman by Lucy Worsley - I love Lucy Worsley and Christie is one of my favorite authors and had a fascinating life so I'm looking forward to reading this one.

4.  Hot Button by Kylie Logan - I read this first book in this cozy mystery series about a button store (because yes - there are cozy mysteries about everything!) and really need to continue the series.

5.  The Foundling: The True Story of a Kidnapping, a Family Secret, and My Search for the Real Me by Paul Fronczak - This was recommended by one of my favorite True Crime YouTube channels (Gabulosis - she covers cases that are 20+ years old) and is a case that has always fascinated me. 

What are you looking forward to reading in March?

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Books from the Backlog - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Today I'
m linking up with Carole from Carole's Random Life of Books for Books from the Backlog.  I really enjoy the chance to feature a book that's been hiding in the piles of books for far too long!

Goodreads:  Smoke Gets In Your Eyes and Other Lessons from the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty

Blurb:  Most people want to avoid thinking about death, but Caitlin Doughty—a twenty-something with a degree in medieval history and a flair for the macabre—took a job at a crematory, turning morbid curiosity into her life’s work. Thrown into a profession of gallows humor and vivid characters (both living and very dead), Caitlin learned to navigate the secretive culture of those who care for the deceased.
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes tells an unusual coming-of-age story full of bizarre encounters and unforgettable scenes. Caring for dead bodies of every color, shape, and affliction, Caitlin soon becomes an intrepid explorer in the world of the dead. She describes how she swept ashes from the machines (and sometimes onto her clothes) and reveals the strange history of cremation and undertaking, marveling at bizarre and wonderful funeral practices from different cultures.

Her eye-opening, candid, and often hilarious story is like going on a journey with your bravest friend to the cemetery at midnight. She demystifies death, leading us behind the black curtain of her unique profession. And she answers questions you didn’t know you had: Can you catch a disease from a corpse? How many dead bodies can you fit in a Dodge van? What exactly does a flaming skull look like?

Honest and heartfelt, self-deprecating and ironic, Caitlin's engaging style makes this otherwise taboo topic both approachable and engrossing. Now a licensed mortician with an alternative funeral practice, Caitlin argues that our fear of dying warps our culture and society, and she calls for better ways of dealing with death (and our dead).

Why It Needs to Come Off the Shelf:  This is a bit macabre but also fascinating and I just discovered that it's on the Audible Plus catalog so I need to get it off my TBR and onto my Read list!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

What I'm Reading - March 5

I always have a few books going.  Here is what I'm reading and what I'm thinking about them.

Print Book:

The Wolf Tree by Laura McLuskey - This is the first book I've read by this author and so far I'm enjoying it fairly well.  My main issue is that it's written in present tense which always annoys me a little bit.


Puzzled 4 Murder by J.C. Eaton - This is the newest in a long running cozy series and it's a quirky bit of fun so far!

Slow Read:  

The Cold Light of Day by Anna Lee Huber - This is a reread but I flew through it the first time I read it and didn't remember much about it.  

Audio Book: 

Mother-Daughter Murder Night by Nina Simon - I'm enjoying this one and am enjoying it but it's a bit slow so far.  I'm at about 30% and want to find out what happens but do wish it would pick up a bit.

What are you reading today?

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

My March Mystery Madness and Middle Grade March Readathon Lists - If I was Participating

I watch a lot of YouTube and Middle Grade March and March Mystery Madness are getting talked about quite a bit.  I love the idea of themed reading but am not so great about doing it but if I WAS better about doing it here's 5 for each that I would read

March Mystery Madness:

The Third to Die by Allison Brennan -I've heard good things about this author and this one is the beginning of a series that looks good.

First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston - This one is more thriller than mystery but looks like a lot of fun and super twisty.

The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp by Leonie Swann - This looks cozy and quirky and like a lot of fun.

The Crow Trap by Ann Cleeves - I have Ann Cleeves on my To Read list for this year and this is the first of the Vera books.

A Game of Lies by Claire Mackintosh - I've read a book by this author and really enjoyed it and have been wanting to read more.

Middle Grade March:

The Bookshop of Dust and Dreams by Mindy Thompson - I can't resist the title but the premise sounds good too!

Aggie Morton, Mystery Queen: Peril at Owl Park by Marthe Jocelyn - I really loved the first book in this series about a young Agatha Christie (very loosely based) and am looking forward to continuing with it.

How I Became a Spy by Deborah Hopkinson - I know nothing about this one but somehow it landed on my TBR.  The premise looks intriguing and I'm looking forward to picking this one up.

Jane of Lantern Hill by L.M. Montgomery - This is one of my favorite lesser known Montgomery books and I really want to reread it soon.

The Rose Legacy by Jessica Day George - I've read other books by this author and loved them.  This looks like a fun series and one I'd like to try.

What would be on your readathon lists?

Monday, March 3, 2025

Reading What I Want 2025 - Long Time Gone + Nosy Neighbors

The last few years I've made a list of 10 books - 5 books off my shelf, 5 books from the library - that I'm really wanting to read.  There's no real rhyme or reason.  I just go through my library list and my shelves and pick the books that are calling to me.  Here are two that I've read recently.

Goodreads:  Long Time Gone by Charlie Donlea

Blurb: Thirty years ago, Baby Charlotte vanished. Today, she’s still in danger.

When Dr. Sloan Hastings submits her DNA to an online genealogy site for a research assignment, her goal is to better understand the treasure-trove of genetic information contained on ancestry websites. Brilliant and driven, Sloan is embarking on a fellowship in forensic pathology, training under the renowned Dr. Livia Cutty.

Sloan has one reservation about involving herself in the she’s adopted. Grateful for a loving home, she’s never considered tracking down her biological parents. The results of her search are shocking. Sloan’s DNA profile suggests her true identity is that of Charlotte Margolis, aka “Baby Charlotte”, who captured the nation’s attention when she mysteriously disappeared, along with her parents, in July 1995. Despite an exhaustive search, the family was never seen again, and no suspects were named in the case.

Sloan’s discovery leads her to the small town of Cedar Creek, Nevada, the site of her disappearance. It also leads her to Sheriff Eric Stamos. The Margolis family’s influence and power permeate every corner of Harrison County, and Eric is convinced that in learning the truth about her past, Sloan can also help discover what happened to Eric’s father, who died under suspicious circumstances soon after he started investigating the case her disappearance.

Slowly, over the course of a stifling summer, Sloan begins getting to know her relatives. Though initially welcoming, the Margolis family is also mysterious and tight-lipped. Not everyone seems happy about Sloan’s return, or the questions she’s asking. And the more she and Eric learn, the more apparent it becomes that the answers they both seek are buried in a graveyard of Margolis family secrets that some will do anything to keep hidden—no matter who else has to die…

My Thoughts:  I really liked this mystery and it definitely kept me reading.  The pacing was blazing fast and the short chapters kept me reading far later into the night than I originally planned.  I liked Sloan and Eric Stamos.  I also liked that Sloan's parents weren't vilified.    The end had me basically holding my breath to see how it played out.  There's was one part of the solution that was stretched the believability to a little past breaking but since the conclusion overall made sense it didn't bother me too much.  This is my 2nd book by this author and I'm really looking forward to reading more.  My Rating; Really Liked It

Goodreads:  Nosy Neighbors by Freya Sampson

Blurb: Twenty-five-year-old Kat Bennett has never felt at home anywhere, and especially not in crumbling Shelley House. According to her neighbors, she’s prickly and unapproachable, but beneath her tough exterior, Kat is plagued by guilt from her past.
Seventy-seven-year-old Dorothy Darling is Shelley House’s longest resident, and if you believe the other tenants, she’s as cantankerous and vindictive as they come. Except there’s a good reason Dorothy spends her days spying on her neighbors—a closely guarded secret that no else knows and the reason Dorothy barely leaves her beloved home.

When their building faces demolition, sworn enemies Kat and Dorothy become unlikely allies in their quest to save their historic home. But when someone starts to play dirty and viciously targets one of the residents, Dorothy and Kat suspect foul play in their community. After the police close the investigation, it's up to this improbable pair to bring a criminal to justice.

My Thoughts:  This was fun and heartwarming and heartbreaking all at once.  The stars of the book are Kat and Dorothy (and Ernie the dog but he is just pretty happy to be there from the beginning of the book to the end).  From the outside the two women couldn't be more different but on the inside they're more than a little alike.  I loved getting to know all the residents of Shelley House and how they all came together though it wasn't always in the most traditional of senses.  I really enjoyed getting to know Kat and Dorothy more even though they frustrated me a bit at times.  This was an enjoyable read - my first by this author but not the last.  My Rating: Really Liked It (4 Stars)

Sunday, March 2, 2025

This Week in Reading - March 2

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Guess Again by Charlie Donlea - Super excited about this one.  I've really enjoyed all the previous books I've read by this author. (Publisher)

Puzzled 4 Murder by J.C. Eaton - I really enjoy this cozy series so I'm looking forward this newest book. (Publisher)


  Beach Vibes by Susan Mallery and All the Water in the World by Eiren Caffall

Listening:  Mother-Daughter Murder Night by Nina Simon

This has been a crazy few weeks and I haven't been as intentional about getting some restorative cozy time each week as I hoped. I'm taking this week to take a breath, reset and refocus.  I did make dinner reservations for last night at a new restaurant in town I really enjoyed the one time I tried and I'm planning on making reservations at another new restaurant that I've been wanting to try.  I figure that's a start in the right direction for intentionally doing things I enjoy and planning something to look forward to each week.

I hope everyone has a great week and happy reading!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

The Thirteen Problems - Classic Mystery Review

Goodreads:   The Thirteen Problems by Agatha Christie

Rating: Loved It (5 Stars) 
Source:   Purchased

Description:  The Tuesday Night Club is the name for a varied group of guests who challenge each other to solve recent, and not so recent, crimes. It begins one evening when the group gathers at Miss Marple’s house and the conversation turns to unsolved crimes. Over the weeks, we learn about the case of the dripping bloodstains, the thief who committed his crime twice over, the message from the death-bed of a poisoned man who talked of a 'heap of fish’, the strange case of the missing will, and a spiritualist who warned that ‘Blue Geraniums’ meant death.

Pit your wits against the powers of deduction of the ‘Tuesday Night Club’. But don't forget that Miss Marple is present. Sometime later, many of the same people are present at a dinner given by Colonel and Dolly Bantry. Another set of six problems. Even later there's a thirteenth. Can you match Miss Marple's performance?  *Also published as The Tuesday Club Murders

Genre: Mystery - Classic

Why I Picked This Book:  This was the February pick for the Read Christie 2025 Challenge

My Impression: I was so excited when I saw this on the Read Christie list as it is one of my favorite Christie books.  This is a collection of short stories - 13 to be precise - where a group of people discuss mysterious situations that they have heard of and been involved in and the rest of the group tries to guess the solution.  For the bulk of the stories Miss Marple's supercilious writer nephew is present and quite sure he has a superior knowledge of human nature. Also present is usually an artist named Joan and a high up police official and then there's a collection of doctors and artists and other respectable people.  Always present, usually knitting and always underestimated is Miss Jane Marple.  

This is an interesting collection of mysteries - from small domestic crimes to splashy scandalous murders to a con or two.  I love the interactions of the different characters and this gives shows just how Miss Marple becomes so admired by the police.  It's a fun quick read told with an evening by the fire storytelling feel.  It would be fantastic read one story at a time (though works well as a one sitting read) and is a fantastic way to meet Miss Marple.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Of course!  I'm looking forward to the March read and will always enjoy a Christie reread.  

Would I Recommend this Book?  Definitely!  This is enjoyable collection of short story mysteries for Christie fans and those new to Christie.