Saturday, February 8, 2025

Monthly Reading Recap - January 2025

Monthly Reading Total:  18


Print:  6

Ebook:  7

Audio: 5


Mystery - 10

Fiction - 5

Romance - 3 

Favorite Book of the Month:

Favorite Audio:  Funny Story by Emily Henry - I had DNF'd the previous Henry book I tried so I wasn't sure what to expect with this one but it ended up being a total delight.  Julia Whelan did a fabulous job with the audio.

Favorite Print Book: My favorites were probably The Secret Garden and The Blue Castle but since they're rereads I'll say A Darkness Absolute by Kelley Armstrong.

Bookish Armchair Travels

Domestic Travel - I visited California (twice), Michigan, Louisiana, New Jersey, Nevada, Connecticut,  Wisconsin, and Ohio

International Travel: I visited England (4 times), Korea, Ireland, France, and Canada (twice).

Where did your reading take you in January?  What were your favorite books of the month?


  1. Wow, you got through a bunch of books! Glad you enjoyed A Darkness Absolute.

  2. You had a good month. Funny Story and Darkness Absolute were both 5 heart favorites for me, with credit also to Julia Whelan and Therese Plummer. My favorite January read was Cold as Hell by Kelley Armstrong with the same characters as the book you read.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. Yay for Funny Story, I am like you this one was actually the first I enjoyed by her. I think Julia Whelan had a lot to do it. So love her.

  4. I would like to read Funny Story. It sounds like you had a good January reading wise.
