Sunday, February 9, 2025

This Week in Reading - February 9


It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

All the Water in the World by Eiren Caffall - I bought myself a 3 month Shelf Subscription from The Bookshelf in Thomasville, GA.  This was January's pick with Olivia's subscription and I'm really curious about it.  (Purchased)

The Brightest Star in Paris by Diana Biller - I loved a previous book by this author and then someone on Reddit posted a collection of gorgeous winter and ballerina pictures and asked for book requests with a similar vibe.  Several people mentioned this one and it seemed to good to pass up.  (Purchased)


Reading:  The Dressmakers of London by Julia Kelly and The Thirteen Problems by Agatha Christie

ListeningThe Party Line by Carolyn Brown

This week was way more eventful than I wanted it to be.  At the beginning of the week I managed to get my finger tangled in a long line during some dog training and managed to break it.  Luckily, I missed the joints and the tendons are intact but the finger is "unstable" and "fragmented" so I'm having surgery on Monday to put it back together.  I'm not looking forward to it but apparently if you must break a finger the index finger on your non-dominant hand is the way to go.  

On a positive note I'm going to go see the musical Six tonight and I'm really looking forward to it.  

Ways This Week Was Cozy:
It was a bit more difficult this week with the added in drama of doctors appointments and surgery scheduling and all that.  I did have some forced rest thinks to some meds and pain and enjoyed getting caught up on my YouTube watching.  I also bought myself a cupcake from my favorite local bakery so that helped!  I'm not sure how cozy next week will be either.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I hope your surgery and recovery go well. I have seen All the Water in the World and think I would like to read it.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. I've got the Julia Kelly book on my Goodreads list and I have a hold on it (preordered) from the library. All the Water in the World sounds intense.

    Wow, that is an unfortunate accident and I sure hope your recovery is rapid. I'm sorry to hear this. A bakery treat is indeed needed!

  3. Katherine, good luck with your finger surgery. So sorry that happened. I think a cupcake sounds like a good treat!

  4. All the Water in the World sounds good. I hope you enjoy the book subscription. My local indie bookstore offers one I have considered signing up for. I am so sorry to hear about your finger. I hope the surgery tomorrow goes well! Enjoy the musical! I've been wanting to see Six, but we missed it when it was in L.A. I hope you have a good week.

  5. I am so sorry about the broken finger! I hope the surgery goes well!

  6. Hope you're on the mend soon! And I'm sure Six was a fabulous distraction/great show! I would love to see that one.
