Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Overdue Reviews - Written Off + The Scandalous Adventures of the Sister of the Bride


Goodreads:  Written Off by E.J. Copperman

Blurb:  Rachel Goldman writes mysteries in which Duffy Madison, consultant to the county prosecutor's office, helps find missing persons. Rachel is busy finishing up her next book, when a man calls out of the blue asking for help in a missing persons case. The caller's name? Duffy Madison.

Is this real or has she lost her mind? She doesn't have much time to find out because a serial killer is on the loose, kidnapping and murdering mystery authors. And Rachel may just be the next target.

My Thoughts:  This was fine.  I enjoyed it enough that I listened to the whole thing but not enough that I feel a big pull to continue with the series.  The premise is interesting and I like the research element.  The end of the mystery did surprise me a bit. I didn't really connect to Rachel or any of the characters and it was a bit slower paced.  If you have Audible Plus and are looking for a enjoyable cozy mystery this is one worth picking up but it's not one I would go out of my way to grab.  My Rating: Liked It (3 Stars)

Goodreads:  The Scandalous Adventures of the Sister of the Bride by Victoria Alexander

Blurb:  The bride and groom cordially request the presence of...

The bride's sister, Delilah, the very proper widowed Lady Hargate, and Samuel Russell, the groom's friend, a very eligible, slightly improper bachelor, at their upcoming wedding.

Lady Hargate and Mr. Russell, previously acquainted during one unforgettable night in New York City when caution--and clothing--were thrown to the wind will choose to pretend they have never met before.

The lady plans to avoid love and its complications at all costs. The gentleman intends to change her mind.

Guests are invited to enjoy the many diversions of Millworth Manor--delightful grounds, lavish drawing rooms, secluded corners--and the chance to discover that one night may have been only the beginning. . .

My Thoughts:  This was also fine - though maybe a little less fine than the book above.  It was basically the book version of "It could have been an email" though in this case I think "It could have been a novella" would be more appropriate.  There is a LOT of banter through the first half of the book and while banter is part of a good romance I didn't like either of the characters enough to be engaged with the banter.  It did improve when we learned more details of Delilah's first marriage and I did enjoy the interaction between her and her sisters. I didn't hate it but didn't look forward to reading it either and don't feel compelled to read any more of the series.  My Rating; Liked It (3 Stars)


  1. Hmm okay! I think I will only read them if I need something. Even Audible Plus would not draw me in.

  2. I had to laugh when I read what you wrote about the second book: "It was basically the book version of 'It could have been an email'. That's too funny.
