Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Books Set in My Home State

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Books Set in x and to fill in that x I'm picking books that take place in my home state (Alabama) that are on my TBR.  I don't read many books that are set here but it's so fun to read books that are set in a familiar place that I should really do it more.

1.  The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins - This one has been on my TBR since it came out and next time I'm in the mood for a creepy book this will be one I'll pick up.

2.  A Killer Read by Erika Chase - I love a cozy and this is a bookish cozy!

3.  Coming Up for Air by Patti Callahan Henry - This is one of my favorite authors and of course I need to read her book set in Alabama.

4.  The Hideaway by Lauren K. Denton - An inherited house and a motley group of senior citizens sounds like a good read so of course I have to try it!

5.  Death on Eat Street by J.J. Cook - Another cozy and this one involves a food truck!

6.  The Lights of Sugarberry Cove by Heather Webber - I have read two books by this author and loved them both.  This one looks fantastic.

7.  Almost Sisters by Joshilyn Jackson - This is an author I've been meaning to read for ages and this one looks like a great story!

8.  Trust No One by Debra Webb - I've heard some great things about this author and I was thrilled to see this one takes place in Alabama.

9.  Silent Killer by Beverly Barton - I have had this book sitting on my shelf for literally years and I need to actually read it!

10. Murder on a Girls' Night Out by Anne George - This is a quirky cozy series that I've been wanting to try for awhile.  

What are some books set in your home state?


  1. Well I can highly recommend the Heather Webb and Joshilyn Jackson books. JJ narrates her own books and she is excellent at it. Debra Webb too tells a good story. Alabama is a place that has a fair few books. Funny I keep clear of books set in New Zealand on the whole because it just feels too familiar!!

  2. That's fun that you found so many books set in your home state! I don't think I could come up with ten books set in my home state of Utah...and none that are on my TBR list. ;D

  3. oh I want to read the Debra Webb series. That one is more police or thriller. I think I've read a different series of hers.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. Fun! Alabama isn't a state I visit very often in fiction (and I haven't been there in real life either). I do love Joshilyn Jackson's Southern women's fiction and ALMOST SISTERS is one of my favorites of hers. I hope you love it!

    Happy TTT!

  5. I currently live in Nebraska and the only books ever set here that I know of are post-apocalyptic zombie, end of the world and usually they are passing through to Colorado. LOL
