Friday, October 7, 2022

Friday Fives - October TBR


I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much. Since this is the first Friday in October I'm choosing 5 books I want to focus on reading this month.

1.  The Haunted Lady by Mary Roberts Rinehart - I have really enjoyed the Mary Roberts Rinehart books that I've read and this sounds really good!

2.  High Spirits by Carol J. Perry - I absolutely loved the first book in this series and can't wait to get to this one.  It also has a big goofy golden retriever so that makes it extra special!

3.  The Listening Eye by Patricia Wentworth - I only have a few books left in my Patricia Wentworth reread but I need to get reading.  This is one of my favorites but it's been years since I read it so I'm excited to pick it up.

4.  Broken Bonds by Karen Harper - I'm trying to read some books off my NetGalley shelf and this is one that has been gathering dust for years.  It sounds like a fun read with some creepiness so hopefully perfect for this month.

5.  Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks by John Curran - I bought this book new in hardcover right after it came out and it has sat on my shelf for years unread.  I just finished my Agatha Christie reread (and will start over in 2023) so now seems like the time to read this.

What books are you hoping to read this October?


  1. I have Wentworth on my list for this year. Right now I can't put down All That is Mine I Carry With Me by William Landay. It is from NetGalley and I am so immersed in the story. Good writing.

  2. I hope you enjoy all these books!

  3. These all look so good. Great choices.

  4. You always highlight such good-sounding books! I can practically feel my TBR list getting longer as I write this comment. ;D

  5. My mom read nothing but what she called gothic novels, and one of her all-time favorite gothic novelists was Mary Roberts Rinehart. I love it that you are enjoying her work.

  6. These look good Katherine and perfect for fall.

  7. These do look like perfect October reads! :D

  8. High Spirits sounds really good and I have to admit that the dog is a big draw.

  9. The Secret Notebooks book sounds extremely interesting. I hope you love it. 📚
