Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Romances on My TBR

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is a Love Freebie.  I used to read quite a bit of romance but over the last few years that has really slowed down and I've barely read any.  I'm trying to change up my reading a bit and trying to mix a few more genres in. One of those genres is romance or books with a romantic focus and here are 10 on my TBR.

1.  Persuasion by Jane Austen - This checks two boxes because it is both a classic and a romance.  It is also the next Austen on my list to read.

2.  To Scotland with Love by Patience Griffin - I own this book and the next in the series and it looks like a book I'd really enjoy.  Plus, Kathryn over at Book Date enjoyed it so that is definitely a point in its favor!

3.  The Secrets She Kept by Brenda Novak - I love romantic suspense and listened to the first book in this series (trilogy?  not sure) and enjoyed it.

4.  An Island Wedding by Jenny Colgan - This is the next book in the Isle of Muir series and I cannot wait!

5.  Everywhere and Every Way by Jennifer Probst - I've been wanting to read this series since it first came out several years ago.  It sounds like a fun romance.

6.  Of Literature and Lattes by Katherine Reay - Another book by this author was on my favorites of 2019 list and I've been wanting to read this one since it came out.  

7.  The Family You Make by Jill Shalvis - I've been a fan of this author for quite some time and the blurb for this one appeals to me.

8.  You Can Run by Rebecca Zanetti - I love romantic suspense and this one sounds great!

9.  Devil's Daughter by Lisa Kleyaps - Kleypas used to be one of my favorite romance author but it's been ages since I've read a new book by her.  This involves the daughter of one of my favorite couples so I'm looking forward to reading this story.

10. The Becoming by Nora Roberts - This one is has a fantasy angle which normally isn't something I'm drawn to but I listened to the first book in the series earlier this year and really enjoyed it.

Do you have romances on your TBR?


  1. Persuasion is on my list this year, too... especially since there will be a new film adaptation!

  2. Nice list! Lisa Keypad & Nora Roberts are 2 of my fave authors. I like the sound Of Literature and Lattes!!hope you can stop by and see my list!

  3. I love Persuasion! It's my favorite Austen. Also I love the Kilts and Quilts series!!!! I have only a couple yet to read.

  4. OMG I started The Awakening and am I in! You bet, thanks for the push! I think you might find two books by Patience Griffin might be enough. I liked them but didn't love them. Can't wait for Island Wedding either.


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  6. I like romance, but read very little contemporary but dive into romantic suspense and other genres that serve a side dish of romance. Fantastic list!

  7. OF LITERATURE AND LATTES sounds fun! Anything with a bookish title is going to catch my eye.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  8. You've got some delightful reading coming up! I loved Devil's Daughter. The Family You Make was fun. And I read the Patience Griffin book years ago, and really enjoyed it. I should try the next one in the series.

  9. I see a lot of great authors on this list! Lisa Kleypas, Jill Shalvis, and Nora Roberts are usually good bets.

  10. I've tried and tried to read Jane Austen and I just can't. 😛

  11. Nice list. I think I read the Jane Austen one a few years ago.

  12. I almost did this topic but didn't get a chance to get a post up--it's been such a crazy week. I hope you enjoy Persuasion. I really enjoyed it. I've been wanting to read Jennifer Probst and Rebecca Zanetti for years now. One of these days!
