Tuesday, February 15, 2022

New Library List Additions


This year I'm really hoping to clear some of the books off my shelf but I also have a bit of a love for book shopping which does not help with that particular goal.  Sometimes when the urge to go book shopping hits really hard I go to my library's website and look at the books they just acquired and "shop" from that by adding the ones I want to my TBR list.  Here are 10 of my most recent additions to my list.

1.  The Other Family by Wendy Corsi Staub - I've enjoyed other books by this author and this looked interesting and a bit darker.

2.  Miss Morton and the English House Party Mystery by Catherine Lloyd - How could I resist that title?

3.  Nightwork by Nora Roberts - I may end up getting the audio of this one as I've been listening to Roberts' suspense titles lately and really enjoying reading them in audio but I'm looking forward to this one.

4.  Murder Book: A Graphic Memoir of a True Crime Obsession by Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell - This just looked so fun I couldn't resist it.

5.  Lost and Found in Paris by Lian Dolan  - I read another book by this author and enjoyed it and I love the title of this one.

6.  The Postmistress of Paris by Meg Waite Clayton - Basically ditto above.

7.  The Wrong Family by Tarryn Fisher - This looks really interesting and I've seen some great reviews of it.

8.  How the Penguins Saved Veronica by Hazel Prior - I saw a few great reviews by some of my favorite bloggers for a later book and it sounded so good I added this one to my list.

9.  The Midnight Hour: A Brighton Mystery by Elly Griffith - I have really enjoyed the books I've read in this series and want to pick this one up.

10. The London House by Katherine Reay - This is the author of one of my favorite books of 2019 and this sounds fantastic.  

What books do you want to pick up from your library?


  1. I'm tempted to put Lost and Found in Paris on my audio list!

  2. It is hard to resist not reading the newest releases. This looks like a good list to me - the "postmistress" one leaves me especially curious.

  3. I have The Postmistress of Paris and How the Penguins Saved Veronica on my TBR. It's so hard to decide what to read!

  4. I want to read The Other Family. I usually enjoy this author's books.

  5. Yes even though I am not using the library so much this year as I concentrate on my shelf, I need to keep an eye on the library. A few of the books I had on my buy list are too expensive at moment and I have decided I need to borrow from library. I generally find Nora Roberts books are fantastic on audio. I usually go that way.

  6. I'm looking forward to the Postmistress of Paris. I'm trying to clear my shelves as well, limiting the amount of books coming in from the library. Also, I seem to have lost my food blog mojo. Ugh. So I am not posting there.

  7. THE WRONG FAMILY is a crazy book. Even though I didn't love it, it's one that has lingered in my mind. Whenever anyone asks if I've read anything good lately, it always pops in my head because it has a unique setup that is very memorable. I'll be interested to see what you think of it!

  8. I hope you enjoy all of these, Katherine. Lost and Found in Paris is one I am hoping to read too.

  9. I have been known to go to the library and check out a few books when I am feeling the need to shop for books. It looks like you found a few really interesting books. I haven't read any of them but I hope that you enjoy!
