Saturday, February 12, 2022

Life with Leukemia and a Puppy (And Some Reading) - February 13

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

'Til Death by Carol J Perry- This is one of my favorite cozy series and I was so excited to see this one so of course I had to pick up a copy.  (Publisher)

Wedding Bell Blues by Lynn Cahoon - This is another long running cozy series that I enjoy and I had to pick this one up.  (Publisher)

The Last Mile by Kat Martin - I picked this one up on a whim.  I really enjoy romantic suspense and this one looked interesting.  (Publisher)

Saddled Up 4 Murder by JC Eaton - This is another favorite series and one that seems to have changed publishers.  I'm so glad it is continuing.  (Publisher)


Reading: The Gardner Heist: The True Story of the World's Largest Unsolved Art Theft by Ulrich Boser and Wedding Bell Blues by Lynn Cahoon

Listening: Brownies and Broomsticks by Bailey Cates

Rover had a busy week.  Monday we had puppy class and he got to play with some of the other puppies.  He also did really well on the different activities and trainings that we were working on.  Once he gets over the excitement of saying hello to everyone he's calming down pretty well and is learning pretty quickly.  He's also not nervous at all and did well walking on different surfaces including moving ones.  Later in the week we went to an agility trial that my dad was running his dog at for some socialization and he did so well!  I was worried that he'd just be spinning in circles from excitement the entire time but he did great!  He met lots of people and dogs and was really well behaved.  He was so tired when we got home that he fell asleep on his water bowl and didn't move for quite some time.  

Will got through steroid week without too many issues.  We've added another medicine in that really does seem to be helping with the nerve pain and some of the steroid related irritation.  His immune system is still really suppressed so we had another week of lying low.  He is catching up on his sleep from not sleeping as well on steroids and between that and his low numbers he's a bit low energy and takes awhile to get woken up in the morning.  He's usually pretty groggy and out of it until almost noon.  So far they are still holding the feeding tube and we are working on getting him to eat but I can't help but wonder if his low numbers are connected to his lower nutrition.  

My week wasn't super interesting.  I mostly jumped between dog stuff with Rover and either health or school stuff with Will.  I did get a decent amount of reading done though which was nice.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Your pup looks so sweet napping like that. That book about true art theft would be interesting.

  2. Sounds like a mostly good week. Hope the trend continues.

  3. I'm glad the week wasn't too bad re: the steroids. That's gotta be tough. Glad the feeding tube is still not being needed and hopefully his eating can pick up. Hoping he feels better this week.

    That last picture is cute,

  4. Rover is growing and what an exciting week he had. Keeping you busy too. Hope Will's appetite picks up. The cosy mysteries you got to review all look great, I recognise some good authors there.

  5. Sorry about the dog's issues. Hope it gets resolved soon. Happy reading week!

  6. Aaaw Rover sounds exactly like the puppy currently zooming around our house! Also, 'The Gardner Heist' sounds like a really interesting book and the cover has me fascinated as well. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  7. What a cute doggie! I have to get into the cozies, you have nice looking reads! I do have one mystery on my kindle! Have a great week!💌

  8. Rover is getting so big and that is the cutest pic of him on his bowl! Hope Will has a good week and hopefully he will get an appetite!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  9. I cracked up when I saw Rover asleep on the water bowl! I'm glad Will is hanging in there with a new medicine seems to help. It's a constant series of small improvements to get there.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  10. Waiting for bloggers to read my book and post a review is tiring. I used to gather reviews for my book and I am happy with the increase in reviews, sales and visibility.

  11. I love your weekly updates and glad to read it seemed like a pretty good week all around.

  12. I am looking forward to reading 'Til Death too. I hope you enjoy it! The Last Mile caught my eye too. I am glad Rover is doing so well with his training. He's such a great dog. Love the photo of him sleeping in his water dish. LOL

    I hope Will's numbers will go up soon and that he has a good week. He's such a trooper. Take care and have a good week!

  13. Hmmm. I'm not sure if my comment went through or not. If it did and I'm posting a second time, I'm sorry.

    Rover looks so cute and funny sleeping on his water bowl like that. I love with animals do funny things. It makes me smile and laugh.

    I hope Will is able to start eating more to help his energy and low numbers. It must be so hard watching someone you love go through all of this. {{{hugs}}}

    My Sunday Post

  14. I hope Will's energy and appetite improve soon, and I'm glad the new medication is helping with the nerve pain. He's such a trouper! And you're a terrific mom; your love and support for Will just shines through, every time you write about him. He continues to be in our prayers.

    How is the book about the Gardner theft? That theft has always fascinated me, especially since it has never been solved. It makes me wonder if the pictures were stolen "to order" by a single collector.

  15. I hope Will's appetite starts to improve and you can keep the feeding tube out. I hope you enjoy your books and have a great week. Here's my post if you'd like to stop by:

  16. I swear Rover looks bigger this week than last! Glad he's doing well with the class. Also happy to hear that the new medicine is helping Will feel better. Enjoy your books this week.

  17. I am still rooting for better days for Will, and so glad you have Rover to help keep things interesting. Your books also look good. Adding some to my list, like 'Til Death and The Gardner Heist. Enjoy your week!

  18. What a cute, sleepy puppy! My sister just brought home a new puppy this week. I suggested she take him for puppy training somewhere but that idea didn't fly. She and her husband are opposed to the idea of training any of their dogs for some reason, which means we're greeted with dogs jumping in our faces and trying to steal our food when we visit. *sigh* I promise I do love well-behaved dogs.... She can't take her dogs anywhere because they aren't properly socialized so she stays home with them most of the time. This is a sore point for me! Sorry to unload! :-D

    I'm glad Will's pain is decreasing and hope his appetite and energy pick up soon.

  19. Awww...Rover is adorable. I hope Will continues to feel better.

    Some of the books you got are on my list. Especially the Lynn Cahoon book. I love that series.

    Have a great week!

  20. Glad to hear Will is holding up with the steroids treatment. Hope he's able to eat more to up his nutrition!

    Rover is too cute all tuckered out in his water bowl. That doesn't look comfortable, lol. Have a lovely week and take care!

  21. I love how puppies can just fall asleep anywhere. He is such a cutie! I hope Will continues to improve and avoid the feeding tube. You definitely have your hands full! Have a great week!

  22. Rover is such a cutie!
    Glad to hear that your son Will is doing well with his new medication.

  23. Poor Will. He's going through so much. :( Rover is adorable, though! It looks like he's exhausted and also worried about missing dinner.

  24. Steroids really come with their own set of issues and side effects. I hope Will can continue to do without the feeding tube.

  25. Oh my gosh I just laughed so hard at the pic of Rover asleep on the bowl. Our dog did that once or twice. She also loved the agility days. We laughed a lot at those events! I'm sending good wishes to Will.
    Happy Valentine's Day!💗

  26. I hope Will will keep eating so that the eating tubes are note needed. Hugs to everyone! <3

  27. Your dog is such a cutie! He must bring so much joy in your life.
