Sunday, July 18, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - July 18

 It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our wee

What I Got:

Taken at Birth: Stolen Babies, Hidden Lies, and My Journey to Finding Home by Jane Blasio - I got fascinated by the Hicks baby case when the TLC series came out a couple of years ago and then it turned out my dad's wife discovered that's she related to two of the Hicks babies after DNA tests.  One she knows who the parent is but the other is a total mystery.  This is a crazy story and I'm really curious about what the book shares.  (Purchased)

I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of The Reading Life by Anne Bogel - This is a tiny little book so I'm looking forward to reading through it.  I've haven't had the best luck with books about books but I have high hopes about this one! (Library)


  A Place Like Home by Rosamunde Pilcher and Pirate King by Laurie R King

Listening:  The Moon Sister by Lucinda Riley - I'm hoping this one gets better because so far it's my least favorite.

This child is impossible to take a picture of!  This is the only one I got where he isn't making a crazy face and I'm still not entirely sure what he's doing.  It's been an okay week.  Will's counts were pretty low so we've mostly stayed home except for one off hours visit to his favorite restaurant.  His appetite has been so low that I couldn't help but give in when he wanted Red Robin.  We went for a super early dinner, masked up and bathed just about everything in hand sanitizer.  And he ate enough that it was definitely worth it!  His energy levels haven't been great but he's been feeling okay and has definitely had moments of regular silliness.  Next week will be another spinal tap and steroids which are never fun but he's starting in a pretty good place so I'm hoping it won't be too bad.  He is going to start doing an in-person class every other week one day a week.  It's a homeschool group so it's only a few kids with lots of cleaning.  It'll be nice to have a little bit of normalcy for him and I just hope he's feeling well enough to participate fully. 

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. It's great when Will can enjoy a little dining out to tempt his eating. Can't remember off hand which is the Moon Sister, maybe the one set in Scotland, but not sure without looking. I did listen to it though!

  2. Glad to see Will is in good spirits! Never mind that he can't sit still for a photo! LOL!!

    I enjoyed The Moon sister, although it also wasn't one of my favorites. It's very strange, I always prefer either the historical story, or the sister's story in that series. With the Moon Sister, I like Tiggy's story more than the time in Grenada. Good history though!

    Hope both of you will have a really good week.

    Elza Reads

  3. I am glad you all got to go out to Red Robin. My kids (and later, the grandkids) love that place, but we haven't been in a while.

    Enjoy your week! I love Rosamunde Pilcher's books. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Love to see his big smile :)
    Your new books are both on my wishlist

    Wishing you a great reading week

  5. It's good to see Will enjoying himself. Hope all goes well next week.

  6. Boys go through that crazy face picture faze, and it lasts a looong time. My son hasn't taken a normal picture in years, lol. I'm glad Will enjoyed his dinner out!

    Taken at Birth sounds fascinating. I haven't heard of the Hicks babies.

  7. I'm glad Will is feeling well enough to make silly faces! (And also that you got one where he isn't. That's a great smile.)

    Your new and current books sound good. (Well, Pirate King was OK. I love the rest of the series, though.) I've seen that new Pilcher collection around, and should probably order a copy. I almost always enjoy her writing.

    Have a lovely week!

  8. I'm glad Will enjoyed his trip to the restaurant. I hope his treatment goes well this week.

  9. Hope your listen gets better and that you enjoying your other books. I am glad you were able to take Will out to grab a bit to eat and that he ate well!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  10. Hope Will's counts are good this week. Red Robin is one a few chain restaurants I like. I mean bottomless fries, what's not to like! Hope you have a good week!

  11. Taken at Birth sounds amazing, I am getting that on my library list right now. You may also like Dani Shapiro's book Inheritance: Memoir of genealogy and paternity. That one blew me away.

    Greta photo of Will. I hope next week goes well and it's nice he will get a day with other kids. I've never been to a Red Robin!

  12. I am glad you were able to get out a little and enjoy a meal. He is such a cutie regardless of what he is doing lol.

    I hope this week is a good week for you all! Happy Reading! xx

  13. I'm glad he has some normal. Baby steps as there are many factors to consider. I hope next week goes well.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  14. Yassss Will, Red Robin!!!! Of all the quirky, interesting, fancy, amazing places to eat in L.A., if given a choice I will go to Red Robin for the best fries and my beloved Banzai Burger!!!!! Unfortunately, no Red Robin here in Arkansas.

  15. Taken at Birth sounds interesting. Even more so for you, I imagine, with the connection to your dad's wife! I hope you enjoy I'd Rather Be Reading. I really enjoyed it, although I definitely related to some chapters more than others.

    I hope the spinal tap and steroids this week goes well. I am glad he will be able to start back in-person for school. I am glad you have found a way to do it safely for him--to bring him some normalcy.

    Have a great week, Katherine!

  16. Red Robin! Love that place!

    Hope this week goes well for Will!

  17. That's great that you were all able to get to Red Robin. I'm glad Will enjoyed himself. Hope you have a great week!

  18. Taken at Birth sounded interesting before you said there was a personal connection. So neat1 Hope Will enjoyed Red Robin, I get a craving for that place myself sometimes! Hope you have a good week.
    Lisa Loves Literature

  19. Glad that Will is doing okay! Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  20. Good to hear your update about Will. I loved the picture! Ha! I think you'll enjoy Anne Bogel's book or that's my prediction. She really nails how readers think in my opinion.

  21. My husband loves Red Robin, too. Instead of dining in, we carried out and had a picnic at a nearby park.

    I bet A Place Like Home will be a good read. That author is reliable.

  22. Glad Will enjoyed his dinner at Red Robin... we haven't been in ages! Hope you're enjoying the Rosamunde Pilcher novel. Haven't read that one, but I've loved a few of her other books.

  23. I am glad that Will enjoyed his meal! And a one day in person class will be great! Hopefully next week goes quickly and easily for him.

    Taken at Birth sounds crazy! And good!

  24. I remember watching a movie about the Hicks babies years and years ago. I'll be watching out for what you think of the book. It's good that some of the sold children will be able to find family through DNA searches. 🙂

    I read the Anne Bogel book and I didn't like it. 😛

    I love seeing Will's silly photos. 🤗

  25. If he wants it by all means give it to him. He is going through enough. Good to see him smiling.
