Saturday, July 17, 2021

A Palm for Mrs. Pollifax - Classic Mystery Review

 Goodreads:  A Palm for Mrs. Pollifax (Mrs. Pollifax #4) by Dorothy Gilman

Rating: Loved It!
Source: Purchased

Description:  A secret agent like no other, Mrs. Pollifax was leading a very full life: Garden Club, karate, yoga--and a little spying now and then. This time the mysterious Mr. Carstairs sent her to Switzerland--to a famous health resort where the world's intelligence agents had gathered. Her mission: to track down a missing package of plutonium--just enough to make a small atomic bomb. It was a job that suited Mrs. Pollifax's talents. She's good with people and even better at sniffing out their secrets. But it was not until she became enchanted with Robin, the young jewel thief, that her new adventure really began....

Genre: Mystery (kind of?) - Classic

Why I Picked This Book:  I'm reading all the Mrs. Pollifax books in order and this was next on my list!

My Impression:  Just like with every Mrs. Pollifax book you need to let go of believability and just go along with the adventure.  And with Mrs. Pollifax there is always an adventure as well as some great side characters that she always manages to pick up along the way.  My absolute favorite thing in every book is when the side characters start realizing that Mrs. Pollifax is not quite what she seems.

This was an amazingly fast read and a bit different from the usual as Mrs. Pollifax is more stationary then usual and having to figure out who around her is up to no good.  And along the way she manages to pick up a scared little boy, a jaded jewel thief, and a super cautious young woman.  I do wish I could have seen more Mr. Carstairs because I love his resigned admiration of Mrs. Pollifax but that's just me being greedy.  

This was a fun fast read with danger and intrigue and a few laughs.  Mrs. Pollifax and Dorothy Gilman never disappoint!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  The more time with Mrs. Pollifax the better!

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you love fun adventures then Mrs. Pollifax is a must read.


  1. I also like that rather vintage cover!

  2. I love all the Mrs. Pollifax books!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. I should try this series. It looks like something I would like.

  4. I really, really need to read this series!! Once again, an enticing review that make me want to start reading immediately!

    Elza Reads

  5. so cool you are reading this series. I listened to all of them. They are narrated by the amazing Barbara Rosenblat, who has the perfect voice to make an Emily. I so enjoyed this series. I actually discovered it through my library, back then when I was doing the 52 countries challenge, as every book in the series is set in a different country.
    I wrote a recap post on this series:

  6. Sounds great! I'm glad this series continues to be a hit.

  7. I love how you are reading through the series and this one sounds like a lot of fun. Mrs Polifax is a character to love.

  8. I really must read this series! I am glad you enjoyed this one. It sounds wonderful. I think I would like Mrs. Polifax.

  9. This is one of my favorites in the series. It inspired a stop when my family was in Europe 20+ years ago - Chateau Chillon.
