Friday, July 9, 2021

Friday Fives - Five YouTube Channels I'm Loving Right Now


I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  I haven't really had the attention span for TV shows lately but when I'm not feeling like reading or want something on while I'm cooking or something I end up watching a lot of YouTube.  Here are 5 channels I'm really loving.

1.  Intentionally Bookish - Spencer talks about cozy mysteries and romances and is just absolutely adorable.  She's got a lot going on right now so doesn't post as much as I'd like but I never miss one of her videos.

2.  That Chapter - This one is relatively new to me but I've really been enjoying it.  This is a true crime channel and he covers stories from all over the world.  I really like how he edits and how he tells the story.  

3.  The Daily Woo - This is a channel I've been following for awhile but recently have really been enjoying.  I found Adam because of his theme park content but I love his road trip series - especially the most recent one that he took with his dad.  

4.  The Try Channel - This is an old favorite but one I just keep enjoying more and more.   It's essentially a group of Irish people trying different foods and drinks.  The videos frequently have me dying laughing and it's always interesting to see all the different opinions.  

5.  This Gathered Nest - This is another old favorite and one that I've recently really been enjoying.  It's the only family channel I watch because I don't feel like the kids are exploited or made to act in a certain way.  The focus is on the adults with the kids in the background.  Last year they bought a small farm and now have goats, llamas, chickens, horses and a few other assorted animals and watching all that goes into that is really interesting.  

Do you watch YouTube?  What are some of your favorite channels? 


  1. Hi Katherine! I'm not good with YouTube. My husband is though and I'm wrecking my brain to try to remember what he's watching all the time. It's always in the background, but I can't think now...!!! I must take a look at a few bookish ones, I know I will love that. Intentionally Bookish sounds good yes.

    Hope you will have a good weekend!

    Elza Reads

  2. These sound interesting. I haven't been using You Tube much. I should probably check it out.

  3. Thanks for the recs. I watch YouTube almost exclusively. That said I'm looking forward to the new season of Virgin River that dropped on Friday!

  4. Some of my favorite channels involve Drs who advocate the ketogenic diet. I love to watch Trader Joe's hauls, etc. Very eclectic, I know.

  5. I went through such a BookTube phase and watched book videos over and over and over. Intentionally Bookish is new to me so thanks for adding it :)

    Happy reading!
    -Megan @ Bookstacks & Golden Moms

  6. Well of course I watch heaps of quilting videos on You Tube. I don't follow book tubers really on there, just have too much to do! Busy retiree here doing nothing but quilt and read!! I will look up Intentionally Bookish though.

  7. Yes, as you know... big Try Channel fan, here! 😁

  8. I've been slacking on my YouTube subscriptions. Mine are about knitting and cross stitch.
