Sunday, May 2, 2021

Life With Leukemia (And Some Reading) - May 2


It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

I found this picture the other day.  It's not a new one to me but I haven't seen it in awhile.  It was taken in 1943 on one of my grandfather's visits home after he enlisted.  He's the solider and the little girl is his niece who was only about 10 years younger then him and really I think more of a little sister. She's the only person I'm aware of in my entire extended family who ever had leukemia (or really any kind of cancer) before Will was diagnosed last year.   She was diagnosed in a very different time when a leukemia diagnosis came with a deadline that if you were lucky was in the months.  The picture made me wonder if that little mutation was hiding somewhere in my DNA but mostly it made me so profoundly grateful for Danny Thomas and the wonderful minds he pulled into the project to start St Jude Children's Research Hospital in 1962.  Because of that and everyone who has been involved since then the realities of childhood cancer have completely changed.  

This week has been pretty good.  Will had his spinal tap which went pretty well though the chemo for this week is a challenging one.  It makes him tired but not able to sleep well which frustrates him but thankfully it's short lived and he'll be off it my early next week.  I had my 2nd Pfizer vaccine last weekend and it went pretty well.  My arm hurt like crazy for a few hours and then I felt really tired the next day but I also hadn't been sleeping well so I don't feel like I was going in in the best shape.  Full immunity will be at the end of this week which also is my birthday so it's a pretty great present!


Reading: Key of Valor by Nora Roberts (I was feeling the need for some comfort rereading) and For Batter or Worse by Jenn McKinlay

Listening:  As The Christmas Cookie Crumbles by Leslie Budewitz

Watching:  I think I'm going to stop including this unless I'm actually watching something because other then YouTube I'm really not watching much.  I watch a lot of makeup, bookish, and true crime content on YouTube but haven't watched much real TV lately.  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. St. Jude's really is wonderful. Thank goodness for all the people who have made strides to combat leukemia and other diseases like that. And what a nice picture!

    Good luck this week!

  2. It is great that medicine has developed so much. Great photo.Love the look of For Batter or Worse. I love YouTube for quilting videos and stretching exercises. I have been watching Notting Hill, my all time fave movie on TV.

  3. What a pretty picture. And it's definitely impressive how much is changed in medicine.
    I'm glad to read you got both your vaccines.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  4. I agree that we have come miles beyond those days. Glad you got your shot done. Stay safe and cheerful!

  5. That is a great reminder that medicine as come a long way and we are so lucky to have a place like St. Jude. I need to try that Jenn Mckinlay series!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  6. It is good news how much life has changed due to research and people like Danny Thomas.

    Great photo of your grandfather and his niece.

    Enjoy your week, and congrats on getting your second shot! Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  7. That's a great photo. It's really amazing how well medicine has changed over the years.

    Yay for the 2nd vaccine. Have a great week!

  8. Enjoy the trip to Jewel Bay, via audio book!

  9. What a wonderful photo! The little girl looks uncannily like my youngest sister, when she was a leggy pre-teener... And, like you, I'm humbly and extremely grateful to the ongoing medical advances that are being made and go on being made. I hope the coming week is a kinder one to Will and that you bounce back energy-wise, Katherine.

  10. The advancements we've made in medicine in the past 50+ years have been nothing short of extraordinary. I'm glad that Will is doing okay and this week goes well even though you know it'll be a rough one.
    Take care!

  11. I'm so thankful for all the advancements we've made in medicine. I'm glad Will had a good week, and I'll be praying that his chemo isn't too bad for him.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  12. Thank goodness for St. Judes Glad the 2nd dose is done for you! I love baking cozies! Hope you have a good week!

  13. That photo is really special and I think it's wonderful if we can reflect on how far science has developed over the last 100 years. Amazing. And like you say, thanks to people and institutions who are brave and daring enough to venture into new territories.

    Hope you and Wil will have a good week ahead and some great reading for you.

    Elza Reads

  14. First off all, Happy Birthday when it comes and to be immunised is great.

    Developments in medicine are amazing, they can change so quickly. I hope Will is doing okay and you have a good week ahead.

  15. I'm glad you are hanging in there and have your vaccine. We here at Books of My Heart are full of May babies. Robin is the 7th, Melanie is the 11th and I'm the 12th. So Happy Birthday!!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  16. Glad the vaccine reaction didn't hang around for long. I hope Will can get some sleep this week. Hope you can have a nice birthday celebration too.

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  18. Full immunity is the perfect birthday present! Glad your reaction to shot #2 was too bad.

  19. I love coming across old photos like that. Like you, I am so grateful to the people who have gotten us this far with medical treatments and the like--and for those who continue in that work. I hope Will is doing well. I am glad the spinal tap went well. And yay for your second vaccine! My husband gets his second one next week.

    Love the cover of For Batter or Worse. I hope you have a great week, Katherine. Happy early birthday!

  20. What a lovely old photo. It's good to remember how the people of the past did things that have helped us live better lives than they were able to live.

    Congratulations on getting your second vaccine. Whew! Such a relief.

  21. People always talk about the "good old days" but I will take modern medicine. 👏

    I'm happy to hear Will is not feeling as bad as he could be, but getting better rest in the upcoming weeks will be better. ❤

    Baz had his second Pfizer last Wednesday and he said his arm hurt worse than the first time. The next morning he had a mild headache, which acetaminophen took care of, and he needed a two hour nap, but the day after that he was fine. 👏

    I hope your week is going well. 🌞

  22. I love old pictures. We really have come a long way with medicine which is a very good thing. Chemo is such a tricky thing and I am sorry that Will is having a challenging time. I get my second shot on Friday and am hoping to avoid any reaction. Have a great week!

  23. As a Type 1 diabetic, I'm constantly grateful for modern medicine. This disease is still a death sentence if you don't take care of it, but it's SOOOO much more manageable than it was back in the day. I'm glad cancer research has come so far as well. I just hope someday these diseases will all be eradicated so that no one has to suffer from them.

    I'm fully vaxxed with Pfizer as well. Besides a sore arm and a little bit of nausea/headache/tiredness, it wasn't bad at all.

  24. I love seeing old photos. St. Jude's is amazing; thank goodness for them and all the research and help they give to children and their families.
