Saturday, January 30, 2021

Life with Leukemia (and Some Reading) - January 31

 It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

This was another good week!  Will's energy was really good and he's been feeling pretty good.  We got to hang out with the therapy dog in clinic again which was so fun.  He's such a sweet dog and we are both always so excited to see him - I may be more excited then Will.  

Tomorrow we head back up to Memphis for some high dose chemo.  With the Covid rules there is only one caregiver allowed at appointments and in housing so it will just be Will and me.  At this point I have no idea how long we will be there.  I've heard everything from 3 days to 4 weeks and a few things in between.  We are packing heavy and will just roll with it.  If it ends up being closer to the 4 weeks Jason will come up on weekends and stay in a hotel so we won't be completely separated for all that time and he can help us restock on food and snacks.  And worse case we do have access to the hospital cafeteria it's just not our first choice.   With food taken care of we will just be able to relax and Will can get the rest he'll need.  He has to have a spinal tap and a few different tests plus some pretty hefty meds so it'll be tough but he's tougher and it's nothing he hasn't had before but it does wear him out.  If you pray or send positive vibes we could use all we can get coming his way on Tuesday.


First Degree Mudder by Kate Dyer-Seeley and On Borrowed Time by Jenn McKinlay (though I'm almost done with this one)

Listening:  How Right You Are, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse

Watching:  I've been watching some of the Signed, Sealed, and Delivered on Hallmark.  It's super cheesy but lots of fun.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. That is great news to hear about Will's progress. I'm glad he and the therapy dog share a bond.

    Sending you prayers and positive vibes for a speedy recovery. Stay safe and healthy!

  2. "I may be more excited then Will." Aww that therapy dog sounds pretty awesome! And glad to hear Will had a good week. Definitely sending prayers and good vibes his way!!!!

    I love the look of the MKinlay book.

  3. Will certainly thinking of you and sending up some prayer every day. Hope it will be shorter time rather than longer. You have some good cozy reading going.

  4. I think about Will every day and send out all the healing energies. 💟💟💟

    I had Jeeves books on my classics list last year and never got around to them. I will have to read at least one this year. 📚

    I hope you all have a wonderful week. 🌞

  5. Sending happy, healing wishes your way! <3

    Jenn McKinlay is such a fun author! Happy Sunday!

  6. Katherine, I pray the trip and treatment in Memphis will go well for you and Will. 🙏❤

  7. My wishes and prayers will be with Will and I hope the treatment will go smoother and quicker for you guys.

  8. I will send up extra prayers for Tuesday! I know Covid is a big thing but I don't think it's right to not let both parents be with their sick kid. :( I love the Library Lovers series!! I also love Sign, Sealed, Delivered Yeah, it's kind of cheesy but it's wholesome fun and I just love Oliver! :)

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  9. And if you find cuddling the therapy dog a real help, then I think that's wonderful:)). All the best best for Will's latest round of treatment and I hope the timescale is shorter, rather than longer. Sending prayers and lots of positive vibes your

  10. I will be saying prayers and sending positive vibes your way.

  11. The spinal tap reminds me of when I had the epidural. I hope you get accostomed to your new dwelling, and sending great thoughts your way.

  12. That's so sweet about the therapy dog. I'm so happy that helps.

    I'm sending prayers and positive vibes to you.

  13. I love signed sealed and delivered!!! Cheesy or not. And any P.G. Wodehouse is good for the spirit.

    Good to hear Will had a better week and I will be thinking of you guys in the upcoming week. Stay strong and take care of yourself too!

    Elza Reads

  14. Katherine, will definitely be keeping Will and you and your whole family in my prayers this week. Hope things go well. Know that so many are 'in your corner' through all of this.

  15. I'm glad this was a good week... and will keep you all in my prayers as this next round of treatment starts!

  16. I hope things go really well for Will next week. I will be thinking about all of you this week.

  17. I'm thrilled it was a good week to prepare for this one. Dogs make a difference. I hope this week goes smoothly.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  18. A therapy dog sounds amazing, dogs are such wonderful animals. I hope all goes well with Will this week.

  19. Isn't that wonderful that they have a therapy dog for distraction. I hope all goes well in Memphis for you and Will. We have a major snowstorm coming our way.

  20. I hope that the side effects of the chemo aren't too bad for Will. I'm glad he had a good week and got to spend time with the doggie! Signed Sealed and Delivered is like comfort food but in TV form.

  21. You're always in my prayers. I hope Will comes through everything this week like the champ he is!

  22. Will's attitude can make a lot of difference. That therapy dog sounds like a good addition to the team. I'm glad to hear he is doing well, and that you can spend time with him.

    Having some good books will make your days better, too. Enjoy!

  23. I send my prayers out to Will. I hope he's doing okay.

  24. I hope everything goes well in Memphis. Hopefully the stay will be on the shorter side, but I imagine it is comforting to know you have a plan if it doesn't turn out that way. I'll be thinking of all of you. I hope you enjoy your current reads! Have a great week, Katherine. Safe travels.

  25. I'm so glad Will is feeling good this week. Sending prayers for your time in Memphis. ♥

  26. I really hope things go well and I'm keeping you in my thoughts and sending positive vibes.

  27. You and your family are amazing warriors on this leukemia journey.
