Sunday, January 3, 2021

Life with Leukemia (and Some Reading) - January 3


It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

This has been a tough week.  Will's energy level has been super low.  He slept through most of his birthday though he did wake up to open presents which he was excited about though he hasn't been able to play with much.  He had a spinal tap scheduled for Wednesday but that was canceled at the last minute because his platelet count was too low.  I'm obviously very glad they didn't take the risk and canceled the surgery but he gets so nervous before and I hate that he will have to go through that stress again.  It will most likely be rescheduled for the week after next but we won't know for sure until we get his counts for next week and see how he's trending.  By the time we got home from the hospital he was pretty much worn out so he slept New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.  He did wake up long enough to watch the New Year's Countdown on Animal Crossing New Horizons so that was fun.  

We are pretty much unpacked now and settled in from our move home.  I'm trying to get my bookish goals figured out for this year now that I have all my books around me and I've been really enjoying that.  I had thought about trying to get rid of some of the books that I have decided I don't want to read but after I started looking I decided I couldn't possibly get rid of any of them!  


Reading:  The Last Garden in England by Julia Kelly and Live and Let Pie by Ellie Alexander

Listening:  The Shadow Sister by Lucinda Riley

Watching:  Not much but we have been finishing up the latest season of The Great British Bake-Off on Netflix and really enjoying it.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I am sorry to hear it was such a rough week. I hope Will's numbers go up. You all are in my prayers. I hope you enjoy your reading and that this week will be better!

  2. Sad that it was a tough week. I do hope things with your son's platelet count start improving. My best wishes to all of you.

  3. I hope Will has a better week.

    Wishing you a great reading week, and a happy new year

  4. I'm also so sorry about Will's numbers and having to be stressed again when the test was postponed. At least he can sleep and rest. As to getting rid of books, why don't you just keep them all for right now? You never know what might appeal or catch your eye in days to come. Take care...

  5. It is hard to get rid of books! And happy NY! Sorry to hear about Will having to go through the pre- spinal tap anxiety again so soon. I hope he's feeling better...

    The LAst Garden looks good!

  6. I'm sorry Will wasn't feeling well for his birthday but I'm glad you all are home. It is hard to get rid of books, isn't it?

    Happy New Year!

  7. I am sorry that Will has had a rough week. I hate that he just isn't feeling like himself. I hope he bounces back soon so he can have the test he needs.

  8. Ah so tough for Will, think of you often over here in NZ. Ah yes culling the books but... they most likely will all bring us some kind of joy. Thinking of my own goals too.

  9. (((((((HUGS))))))) for Will. Sleep is good medicine. 💜💜💜

    I am happy you are back at home. 💜💜💜

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  10. I finished off the British Bakeoff a little while ago, but I was hooked on a few holiday cooking programs on the Food Network that were fun. I'm so sorry about Will not feeling that well, but I pray that 2021 heals him so he's able to do the things he loves, and that you guys are stress free from the worry. I do believe that God is a Healer. I'm wishing you the best 2021 ever! Hugs, RO

  11. Sending out prayers and good wishes for Will and you all.

  12. I'm sorry Will's had a tough time and hope the numbers rise soon. Thinking of you all.

  13. Sorry that Will was so tired :( I'm glad that they rescheduled the spinal tap though - better to play it safe. I hope his numbers are better this week. Sending him healthy wishes!

  14. It can be tough doing a book cull! It's hard to get rid of the physical books we no longer want but I'm not bad at deleting ebooks when the urge to read it is gone. I hope you can get the spinal tap done with the minimum of upset for Will.

  15. Hugs. Sorry the week for you was a roller coaster.
