Monday, August 31, 2020

Cat Me If You Can - Cozy Mystery Review

Rating:  Liked It!
Source: Publisher

Description: Charlie and Diesel along with Charlie's fianc�e, Helen Louise Brady, are heading to Asheville, North Carolina to spend a week at a boutique hotel and participate in a gathering of a mystery reader's club composed of patrons of the Athena Public Library. In addition to seeing the local sights, the members will take turns giving talks on their favorite authors.

The always spry Ducote sisters, friends of the hotel's owners, are helping underwrite the expenses, and they've insisted that Charlie, Helen, and Diesel join them. Anxious to get Helen Louise away from her bistro for a vacation, Charlie readily agrees. While Charlie is looking forward to relaxing with Helen Louise and Diesel, other members of the group have ulterior motives including a long-standing score to settle.

When an intrusive, uninvited guest turns up dead, only one mystery club member with a connection to the deceased appears to have a motive to kill. But could the answer really be that simple? Charlie and Diesel, along with the detecting Ducote sisters, know that every murder plot has an unexpected twist.
Genre:  Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  This is a cozy mystery series I always enjoy and I was excited to see Charlie and Diesel outside of their hometown.

My Impression:  This is one of the coziest of cozy series.  I love Charlie and the Ducote sisters and all the other quirky residents of Athena, Mississippi.  And of course Diesel is my favorite.  If Diesel was a real cat I'd be seriously tempted to catnap him and I've never considered myself a cat person!  In this book Charlie and a few friends (and Diesel of course) take a roadtrip to Asheville, NC.  While I missed the characters who weren't along for the ride it was fun for a vacation type mystery.  Even better Asheville is a place I've really enjoyed and would love to go back and visit so I thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the Biltmore and just their time around Asheville.  I also loved all the bookish talk - especially since it involved classic mystery authors.

This was a really fun locked door mystery.  There's something extra fun about a murder in an inn - it's got a nice Murder, She Wrote vibe but in this rendition involves a fabulous cat, a librarian with a wry sense of humor and his practical and kind fiance.  The mystery didn't exactly have me guessing but I did enjoy the ride and watching how everything unraveled.  This wasn't my favorite in the series but it was a thoroughly enjoyable read and was a nice escape.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  I missed some of the earlier books in the series and am looking forward to picking them up and will definitely grab the next book in the series.

Would I Recommend this Book?  Definitely!  If you enjoy cozy mysteries this series is one you should pick up.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. Just enjoying the ride as you read is so good in a book. I just loved that too when I was reading Murder in the East End by J Ashley.

  2. It sounds like an ideal read for you right now, Katherine:)). Animals can always make a book more fun, when done well. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Sounds like a fun series. I'll have to give it a try!

  4. I wouldn't mind trying another of this series - had just read the first onee. It was a somewhat different experience as most MC are female and in this series it's Charlie.
