Saturday, March 14, 2020

My Non-Bookish Winter Favorites

This winter wasn't all that winter-y since we spent most of it in New Orleans.  In my opinion it's definitely the way to spend winter!  Granted, where I actually live doesn't get super winter-y but and day below 50 is way too cold for me.  But that aside here are a few things that I've really enjoyed this winter.

Fresca - I loved Fresca as a kid but then forgot all about it until I had some at my mother's around Thanksgiving.   It's my go to mid afternoon drink when I'm not wanting lots of caffeine but need something to give me a refreshing pick me up.  I discovered they have a cherry citrus and a peach citrus flavor so it is now my mission in life to find those.

Adidas Baseline Shoes - I bought these on a whim before we went to Disney.  All the cool soccer players wore these when I was in high school and I desperately wanted a pair.  Plus, my feet are on the smaller side and I can wear youth sizes which just happened to be on sale when we were looking for new shoes for the Tornado.  I love these shoes.  They were on my feet for most of the 50 miles we walked and never let me down. 

Hint Water - I live on this stuff.  The watermelon is probably my favorite flavor but I've yet to discover a flavor I don't enjoy.

The Office Ladies Podcast - I loved The Office when it was originally on and when I heard of this podcast hosted by Angela Kinsey and Jenna Fischer (aka Angela and Pam) I downloaded the first few episodes and was immediately hooked.  I love the behind the scenes peeks and just listening to how the show came to be.  It also helps that both women are very obviously huge fans of the show.  We've been listening to the podcast and then going to watch the show and it's just been a delight!  They're only halfway through the 2nd season now so you can catch up easily. 

What were your favorite Non-Bookish things this winter?


  1. Discovering that adding soda stream concentate to fizzy water makes a better drink than the lack of fizz produced by the actual soda stream machine! Saag Masala curry sauce from Aldi...yum! The pizza that ASDA make for you in the store. The joy of a warm fire when the wind howls outside. 3D puzzles!

  2. Fresca! I haven't had that in years. I'll have to look for some. The new flavors sound amazing. 😀

  3. I love those shoes! I'm thinking my next pair will be Adidas like that.
