It's Friday linkup time! I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice
This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Recommend one horror novel for non-horror readers
My Answer:
I'm not a horror reader so I'll be looking forward to seeing what everyone else recommends! I do love The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson which gets billed as horror but really isn't. It's super creepy with some serious atmosphere and a good read for this time of year (or really anytime of year).
This week's book is the first in a new historical mystery series and I'm so excited about it! Murder on Millionaires' Row by Erin Lindsey is set in Gilded Age New York and has upstairs/downstairs elements, Pinkertons, and even a ghost! So excited!
The Beginning:
As I tell you the story, I'll thank you to remember that I was young and in love.
My Thoughts:
While not a typical beginning to a mystery this is an excuse for all kinds of insanity so it could be good!
The 56:
What happened next is seared forever in my memory.
My Thoughts:
Well that's certainly ominous!
So what do you think? Keep reading? What scary book would you recommend?
I wouldn't attempt to recommend a horror book to a non horror fan as I read the goriest and most horrible horror that I can!
ReplyDeleteI'd recommend The Stand by Stephen King. Not really so much of a horror book, but the ultimate fight between good and evil (and there is definitely a real evil in it) - plus a flu pandemic. Ha!
ReplyDeleteThat's a pretty neat idea to rope someone into reading a horror book. I have to be honest - I'm still dealing with the crazy success of Halloween coming back with Jamie Lee Curtis(lol) Hugs and Happy National Pumpkin Day! RO
ReplyDeleteOminous but great snippets!! I added you to the Linky. Happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteI like these quotes. I haven't heard of this one before so thanks for mentioning it!
ReplyDeleteI NEED to read The Haunting of Hill House!! I watched the Netflix series and loved it!
ReplyDeleteThis book sounds good. I love the era and the setting.
ReplyDeleteI mentioned The Haunting of Hill House in a different meme today as well. :-) I haven't yet read that one, but your description of it makes me think I'll like it. I am not a huge horror fan. Murder on Millionaires' Row sounds really good. I love that opening!
ReplyDeleteHope you'll enjoy your new mystery adventure.
ReplyDeleteHope you're enjoying your weekend Katherine! Hugs...RO
ReplyDeleteI hope you end up enjoying it. :)
ReplyDeleteLauren @ Always Me