Thursday, October 18, 2018

Books fro the Backlog - Shanghai Girls

Today I'm linking up with Carole from Carole's Random Life of Books for Books from the Backlog.  I really enjoy the chance to feature a book that's been hiding in the piles of books for far too long!  Today's book is Shanghai Girls by Lisa See.

Blurb:  May and Pearl, two sisters living in Shanghai in the mid-1930s, are beautiful, sophisticated, and well-educated, but their family is on the verge of bankruptcy. Hoping to improve their social standing, May and Pearl’s parents arrange for their daughters to marry “Gold Mountain men” who have come from Los Angeles to find brides.

But when the sisters leave China and arrive at Angel’s Island (the Ellis Island of the West)—where they are detained, interrogated, and humiliated for months—they feel the harsh reality of leaving home. And when May discovers she’s pregnant the situation becomes even more desperate. The sisters make a pact that no one can ever know.

A novel about two sisters, two cultures, and the struggle to find a new life in America while bound to the old, Shanghai Girls is a fresh, fascinating adventure from beloved and bestselling author Lisa See.

Why I Need to Get This Book Off the Shelf:  This has been sitting on my shelf for literally years (I think I bought it before the Tornado was born and he's 8!) and it's past time to read this one!

What's hiding on your shelves?


  1. I haven't read this one either, but I have read other books by Lisa See. She wrote a short mystery series - did you know?

  2. Oh, it sounds sad and intriguing all at once. I may add this one to Goodreads list, let us now what you think. On my shelf languishing is one I bought 10 years ago when we vacationed in Ireland. As I am trying to downsize these forgotten books have moved to the read-it-or-get-rid-of-it pile!

  3. She's a good writer. I've read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and China Dolls.

  4. This is a book I wanted to read too.

  5. I have not read Lisa See yet but I do like the sound of this one. Isn't it funny how long some books sit before you get around to reading them. I hope you enjoy it when you do get the chance to read it, Katherine!

  6. Yes I can identify with a book sitting on the shelf for 8 years! A new to me author and book.

  7. I bought this book a while back because I've enjoyed other books by this author. I'm not sure why I haven't read it yet. It sounds good, it's gotten nice reviews, it's by an author I like ... I'm not sure what my problem is except that other books keep getting in my way! I hope we both enjoy this one whenever we get around to reading it :)

  8. I hope you enjoy it! I've got books on my tbr stretching back to 2011 so I know how you feel about long neglected books!

  9. I hope you love this when you read it! May I suggest you have the second book in this duology handy when you do read it? Admittedly, I still haven't read the second book, but you will be glad you have it given the ending of this one.
