Sunday, March 9, 2025

This Week in Reading - March 9


It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

I took a trip to the library this week to pick up a few holds and to browse the stacks and see if anything jumped out at me.  I only picked up a few which is pretty restrained I think.

Agatha Christie by Lucy Worsley

The Foundling: The True Story of a Kidnapping, a Family Secret, and My Search for the Real Me by Paul Fronczak

The Backyard Bird Chronicles by Amy Tan

The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune


Reading:  The Wolf Tree by Laura McCluskey and Puzzled 4 Murder by J.C. Eaton

Listening:  The Liar by Nora Robets (I was feeling the need for a reread)

How I Made This Week Cozy:  I did try and make a bit more effort to use free time effectively instead of just doom scrolling on my phone.  I went to lunch with friends, dinner with my husband twice at places we've been wanting to try, and I had some good quality time with Will.  I've also been making more of an effort to read during the day and to drink a cup of herbal tea.  I also got some pantry and fridge organizing done as it's gotten a bit out of control and it feels amazing to have that cleaned out.  This week I'm tackling my office I think,  

How was your reading this week?  What did you do to make this week cozy?


  1. I have been doing the same, trying to keep busy and stop the doomscroll. It's hard!! Lol. This week I had my niece over for dinner and taught her embroidery. She is the same age as Wyatt and we had a lot of fun having her here.

  2. I don't think I did anything this week to make it cozy. I need to do a better job of it. I did listen to some favorite music, does that count?

  3. I also have cut back on the doomscroll but want to stay informed too. Heather Cox Richardson is my daily morning read. I've been enjoying different teas this year since I stopped drinking any soda. Is the cleaning / organize a spring and warmer weather thing? I wonder because I have been doing some also.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
