Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Summer TBR

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Summer TBR.  I love making these seasonal TBRs.  I'm not great at sticking to them - though I am getting better - but I love making them!

1.  The Ghost Cat by Alex Howard - This was compared to a few books that I really liked so I have high hopes for it and it looks different from my usual reads. 

2.  Sticks and Stones by Ellie Alexander - I love this cozy series and am looking forward to checking in with the crew at Torte.

3.  The Confidence Game by Tess Amy - This sounds like a fun heist book and I think will be perfect summer reading!

4.  Between a Flock and a Hard Place by Donna Andrews - I love this cozy series and am curious to see just what trouble Meg can get into this time. 

5.  Booked on Murder by Allison Brook - Another favorite cozy series and another one where I'm looking forward to checking in with the characters.

6.  The Last Close Call by Laura Griffin - I've enjoyed previous books I've read by this author and this one involves a forensic genealogist so I'm super excited for it.

7.  The Castle on Sunset: Life, Death, Love, Art and Scandal at Hollywood's Chateau Marmot by Shawn Levy - Honestly, I saw this book at the library and the cover really hooked me.  It looks like a nonfiction I'd really enjoy.

8.  Death at Greenway by Lori Rayder Day - This is on my June TBR.  It's a historical mystery that takes place during World War II at Agatha Christie's home.  I have high hopes for it!

9.  A Late Phoenix by Catherine Aird - This is off my Classic Mystery list and I'm looking forward to reading more from this author. So far I've really enjoyed her books.  

10. The Lights of Sugarberry Cove by Heather Webber - Heather Webber's books are such perfect summer reading for me.  

What are you planning to read this summer?


  1. This is a very fun list. That Laura Griffin one sounds really good with her main character being a forensic genealogist. Happy reading these. :D

  2. I have none of these on my review calendar but look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. Nice list. I look forward to the reviews. I am excited about The Blackbird Oracle.

  4. What a great mix you have. I hope they all turn out to ne great reads!

  5. Looks like a great lineup. Enjoy!

    Happy TTT!

  6. It sure is fun making lists like this, I hope you get to most of them. Can definitely back the Heather Webber book.

  7. I look forward to what you think of the Ghost Cat.

  8. I love the cover for The Ghost Cat. Looks like a great book.

  9. I really want to read The Ghost Cat too. And you've reminded me I need to get back to Allison Brook's series. I hope you enjoy all of these as you read them!

  10. I'm not good at sticking to a planned TBR either. The Lights of Sugarberry Cove sounds good!
