Saturday, December 2, 2023

This Week in Reading - December 3

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Lost Book of Bonn by Brianna Labuskes

The Murder Club by Alexandra Ivy

Ill-Fated Fortune by Jennifer Chow

Murder, She Wrote: Fit for Murder by Jessica Fletcher and Terrie Farley Moran

The Dog Across the Lake by Krista Davis


Reading:  Death in the Dark Woods by Annelise Ryan and The Lions of Fifth Avenue by Fiona Davis

Listening: Chasing Cassandra by Lisa Kleypas

There's an organization here that gives cancer patients rides in exotic cars.  Brian, the guy who started it, is a cancer patient himself and was in treatment with a kid who was obsessed with cars.  Brian decided if he survived and was able to afford an exotic car that he would offer rides to cancer patients - especially kids.  A couple of weeks ago was Will's turn and he absolutely loved it!  He did make me do the interview portion of it though so if you're interested here is Will's ride and my interview starts at about the 6:30 mark,

We got the outside lights and the Christmas tree up this week and Rover was willing to pose in front of it.  I'm planning on getting the rest of the Christmas decorations up this week.  I was going to put them up this weekend but we are keeping a friend's two black and tan coonhounds this weekend and between them and Rover it was just a little too much help.  

Happy reading and have a great week!


  1. What a cool video! Such an amazing story.

    And the cars are neat too. :)

    I really want to read death in the Dark woods. Looks fun!

  2. What a cool organization! Happy for Will that he got to do that.


  3. Thanks for sharing the video with us, Katherine! What a fun thing to do and also so kind to people dealing with cancer. Oh, I'll be watching for what you think about DEATH IN THE DARK WOODS - I've noticed that cover and wondered.

  4. What a joy for kids with cancer to ride in exotic cars!
    Have a great week.

  5. What a thrill for Will!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  6. Oh what a gorgeous dog Rover is! So glad Will enjoyed his exotic car ride, that's so nice of Brian to do that.

    I just finished The Last Bookshop in London and The Lost Book of Bonn reminds me so much of it. It has a similar cover and is also set in WW2 and about preserving books. I loved The Last Bookshop, so maybe I'll try The Lost Book of Bonn too!

  7. Your dog is SO cute! And I'm really looking forward to reading Death in the Dark Woods. Have a great week. :D

  8. I'm so glad Will is getting to do these fun things. I laughed out loud when I read about the "too much help" Isn't that the truth? We are normally late decorators, mid month at the earliest.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  9. Loved the car - yellow - the best! Loved seeing the ride and interview on the video, thanks for sharing. Enjoy your reads and Rover looks gorgeous in front of the tree.

  10. Great video!

    I have Death in the Dark Woods up next. I hope you are enjoying it. Have a great week!

  11. That's so awesome that organization gives cancer patients rides in exotic cars, that sounds like such a fun experience for them. That's a great picture of your dog in front of your tree, I just got mine up yesterday.

  12. That's so cool!!!!

    And Rover is so big now! Beautiful!

  13. What a lovely way to give back - good for Will to have had this experience. I hope you are having a great week.
