Friday, December 1, 2023

Friday Fives - December TBR

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much. This is the first Friday in December so I'm picking out five books I hope to read this month.

1.  Coconut Drop Dead by Olivia Matthews - I read the last book in this cozy series set in a Caribbean bakery and loved it.  I can't wait to read this one!

2.  Ghosts of Greenglass House by Kate Milford - I read the first book several years ago and really enjoyed it.  I've really been meaning to read the next book and this December is the time!

3.  The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club by Dorothy L. Sayers - This is the last book on my classic mystery list and this is the last month of the year so it's time to read it!

4.  Angel's Rest by Emily March - This series is so lovely and Christmas-y and yet I've never read the first book somehow.

5.  Chasing Christmas Eve by Jill Shalvis - I really enjoy Jill Shalvis' books but it's been awhile since I read one of the romances in this series and it looks nice and Christmas-y - plus one of the main characters is an author which sounds fun.

What books are you planning on reading this month?


  1. Good luck with reading these, Katherine! I've been down the path of doing some rereading and I'm enjoying that right now. I'm hoping that 2024 will see me back to my 'once-upon-a-time-before-pandemic' reading. Numbers and content. Have a good weekend!

  2. I loved the Jill Shalvis book!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. That Jill Shalvis one does sound fun. :D Happy reading.
