Saturday, December 25, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - December 26

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Another week of nothing!  I'm working on what books I want to tackle for next year so I'm trying really hard not to add anything to my shelves for a bit.  After the new year I'm going bookshopping though!


Reading:  Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie

Listening:  Cajun Kiss of Death by Ellen Byron

I hope all who celebrate had a very Merry Christmas and that those who don't had a wonderful and restful day.  I don't know if it was all the chaos of new puppy-ness or just 2021 in general but Christmas really snuck up on us. We were scrambling to get up any kind of tree at all and went with the small one we usually put in a different room as our main tree.  My sister-in-law was exposed to Covid at the beginning of the week so they weren't able to come but we were able to get together with everyone else Christmas eve and Christmas day.  Will had a good time and it's amazing to remember last Christmas when he was so sick and couldn't stay away for more then an hour or so at a time compared to now when he's so much more himself.

Will has been having a lot of leg and foot pain over the last few weeks and it looks like there's a lot of nerve pain and loss of strength in his legs which is leading to some issues and when he compensates to feel steadier that causes even more issues.  This is super common with leukemia kids because they are taking so much medication for so long that there does end up being a build up and an increase in side effects.  We were able to get in for a last minute appointment to have him fitted with leg and foot braces which will hopefully help with the pain and prevent any injuries.  I hate that there will be one more visible thing to show that he's sick but I'm hoping that this will be as positive an experience as the feeding tube has been and help with the pain so he can be more active.

Will's birthday is this week!  It's crazy to believe he'll be 12 in just a few days.  Rover is now 10 weeks old and gets bigger every hour.  He's doing great on house training but is in full puppy teething mode.  I will not be sad when that's over.  He's got such a fun personality though it makes up for it.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I'm glad you were able to have a good Christmas. I completely understand how having outward signs of being sick really really stinks. I hope that this helps with the pain. Neuropathy also really stinks. Happy Birthday To Will!

  2. Good to be able to get together with some family, and sounds like a small tree for this year was ideal. Will does have a lot to contend with, so brave. Yay for Rover.

  3. Glad to know you were able to have a Christmas get together with the family despite the challenges.

  4. It seems like more and more people are getting this new COVID variant - even a few triple-vaxed people have tested positive but fortunately just mild flu-like symptoms. We do know a 49 y/old unvaxed woman who recently passed away from COVID-sadly.

    I'm glad you managed to have a better Christmas this year and hoping next Christmas Will will be feeling like a healthy 12-year old. Wishing you all health and happiness in 2022.

  5. I am sorry Will is having leg and foot pain, but it's good that this year is better than last. I hope he has a good birthday.

    Enjoy your get-togethers and planning for your books of the New Year.

    The Agatha Christie looks good!

    Happy New Year!

  6. Sounds like you had a nice Christmas. I'm sorry to hear about Will's leg pains. I hope he's feeling better.

    Happy Birthday to Will!

    Have a great week and Happy New Year!

  7. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Will! I'm glad he has Rover and is feeling better than last year. You are a star for all you do and the current extra work with Rover. I wish you a very happy new year!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  8. Happy birthday to Will (my son's is December 27th)! I hate that for him, to have to get a leg brace. I'm hoping your holidays are happy and healthy. Also, I'm taking a page from your goals and not getting more books right now. If I see one I want it goes on my Goodreads list. Really need to read what I have!!

  9. Glad this Christmas Will was able to participate more, bummer about your kin having to stay away. Happy early Birthday to Will!!

    Hope you love how Cajun Kiss of Death ends! :)

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  10. Happy Birthday to Will! I am glad you had a good Christmas. I do hope Will is doing better and the braces help. I know it must be hard for Will. Rover is growing so fast! We think children grow fast, but then add a pet in the mix and kittens and dogs grow even faster. Haha! Sending hugs and love your way, Katherine. I hope you have a good week and a Happy New Year!

  11. Your Christmas sounds a lot like ours this year. Happy Birthday, Will, and enjoy that puppy!

  12. I am glad that you had a nice Christmas. Happy Birthday to Will! The puppy teething stage is really no fun. Those little teeth feel like razors! I hope that the braces are able to help his pain level.

  13. He'll get used to the braces quickly. It always amazes me how adaptable and resilient kids are. I hope they do the trick. Will is so often in my thoughts. 🤗
