Saturday, December 18, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - December 19

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Nothing!  I took a week off from shopping and getting new review books!


Reading:  Curse of Salem by Kay Hooper (my reading time has taken a hit!) and Picture Them Dead by Brynn Bonner

Listening:  The Missing Sister by Lucinda Riley

This picture is from December 9th.

Same place but 9 days later.  

We are pretty sure if we watch Rover closely enough we will actually see him grow - especially his feet.  He's got such a funny personality and is such a sweetie though I won't be sad when we get past the housebreaking/biting phase.  

He and Will are still the best of friends.  Will has been having quite a bit of nerve pain in his feet which is keeping them running around to much together.  We are working on some medication to help and he's working with his physical therapist which should also help.  Unfortunately, this is pretty common for long term chemo and steroids and there is a limit on how much better it can get until he's done with treatment.  The good news is we are officially halfway through.  He's completed 62 weeks + the previous 2 phases which totaled about 4 months.  If everything goes well he will be done with chemo in 58 weeks.

I can't believe Christmas is Saturday!  I'm so not ready!  I think we are pretty much done with gift buying but I need to spread everything out to double check and I know I have an errand or two to finish up but hopefully it'll be relatively small stuff.  Are you ready for Christmas?

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I haven't heard of the books by Brynn Boner. I'm off to look them up.

    I just finished wrapping presents. Other than writing a couple of reviews and finishing my current read, I think I'm ready to head home for Christmas.

  2. Rover is a sweetie. I looked up Brynn Bonner, she writes with another name as well, but nothing very recently. Something happened I guess. It's a long haul with the chemo. but good to be able to say halfway through. Have a great Christmas. Rover's first - what does he get? Hope he gives too - no biting!!

  3. Picture Them Dead looks fun!

    Rover is so cute. And yes they grow like CRAZY at that age! And congrats on being halfway through. I hope Will continues to have good weeks and yes Christmas is coming ay too fast! I think I'm ready though- maybe? :):)

  4. Wow! I had to do a couple of retakes as I looked at Rover! He is growing so fast! What a cutie!

  5. Poor Will. I'm sending good vibes that his foot pain will be as good as it can be. ❤

    Rover is so darn cute. 🤗

    We keep forgetting to put our tree up. 😆 I have only put lights and the star on the past two years and I think I will follow that plan this year, too. 😅

    Merry Christmas! 🎄 Have a wonderful pre-holiday week! 🌞

  6. Rover is adorable! I'm glad that Will is approaching the halfway mark.

    Great looking books, and enjoy them all. Merry Christmas!

  7. I’m taking a page from your book (pun intended) and trying not to bring more books in. I have a plan, to read what I have with minimal incoming books. We will see.

    Congrats to Will for the halfway point in treatment. He’s such a trooper and I know he’s loving Rover in his life. Hoping Comet and River become the best of friends

  8. Awww, Rover is the cutest puppy ever! I hope Will feels better soon. Congrats on being halfway through treatment. That's awesome!

  9. That is such a cute puppy. Congrat on Will getting half way through treatment.

    Merry Christmas.

  10. Rover is so cute! Glad he and Will are getting to be such good buddies! I think I am mostly ready, although I have a couple gifts I'm anxiously awaiting arriving in the mail! Have a merry Christmas!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  11. Love the pictures of Rover so cute. Hope Will breezes through the last phases of his treatment. I am as ready as I'm going to be for Christmas. Hope yours is a good one.

  12. It's always amazing to me how fast dogs grow and change. Cats too, but dogs more so.

    Sorry about Will's nerve pain. That sucks. 58 weeks to this time next year, he will be almost DONE. Woo hoo!

    Have a wonderful Christmas. I'm happy to say that all my shopping is DONE. Just waiting for one gift to arrive at its destination and then I can stop stressing.

  13. I am so not ready for Christmas. I have done nothing except the gifts for my daughter, no decorating, no tree, no baking. Rover is looking very cute. I hope Will gets some relief. Have a very happy holiday, Katherine!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  14. Rover is so adorable! Hope you have a great week!

  15. Rover is so cute! Glad he is there for Will. Halfway done on the chemo--so it's all downhill (in the best way) from here! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

  16. I love puppy pictures!! He is just so cute! I am so glad that Will is halfway through his treatment!

    Wishing you and your whole family a very Merry Christmas!

  17. Puppies grow so fast! Rover is going to be a big boy :) That is such a long time to go through treatment but I bet it feels good to know that you are now halfway done. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

  18. Rover is adorable. I'm glad that he and Will are such good friends.

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