Thursday, March 7, 2019

Broken Bone China - Cozy Mystery Review

Goodreads:  Broken Bone China (A Tea Shop Mystery #20) by Laura Childs

Rating: Good
Source:  Publisher

Description: It is Sunday afternoon, and Theodosia and Drayton are catering a formal tea at a hot-air balloon rally. The view aloft is not only stunning, they are also surrounded by a dozen other colorful hot-air balloons. But as the sky turns gray and the clouds start to boil up, a strange object zooms out of nowhere. It is a drone, and it appears to be buzzing around the balloons, checking them out.
As Theodosia and Drayton watch, the drone, hovering like some angry, mechanized insect, deliberately crashes into the balloon next to them. An enormous, fiery explosion erupts, and everyone watches in horror as the balloon plummets to the earth, killing all three of its passengers.

Sirens scream, first responders arrive, and Theodosia is interviewed by the police. During the interview she learns that one of the downed occupants was Don Kingsley, the CEO of a local software company, SyncSoft. Not only do the police suspect Kingsley as the primary target, they learn that he possessed a rare Revolutionary War Union Jack flag that several people were rabidly bidding on.

Intrigued, Theodosia begins her own investigation. Was it the CEO's soon-to-be ex-wife, who is restoring an enormous mansion at no expense? The CEO's personal assistant, who also functioned as curator of his prized collection of Americana? Two rival antiques' dealers known for dirty dealing? Or was the killer the fiancée of one of Theodosia's dear friends, who turns out to be an employee—and whistle-blower—at SyncSoft?

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  This is a series I enjoy and I can't remember the last mystery I read that was murder by drone/hot air balloon.

My Impression:  Don't let that #20 scare you off from trying this series.  While there are some slow building relationships there's nothing in the book to prevent you from jumping in here or really anywhere you'd like in the series.  The setting is gorgeous - a tea shop in Charleston with lovely china teapots and graceful old mansions and a huge number of murders.  Theo runs her tea shop with the help of her quirky staff and manages to stumble into murders with rather impressive regularity. 

While this is a fairly typical cozy the murder is far from typical.  I don't think I've ever read murder by drone - especially not with hot air balloons involved!  This was a fun mystery with all kinds of motives and suspects coming out of  the woodwork.  I wasn't terribly shocked over the conclusion but I was satisfied with it and thoroughly enjoyed getting there!  This isn't flawless there's some over-explaining in conversation and Theo is a bit too perfect and beloved some time but I didn't find these issues really dimmed the enjoyment for me.

This was a fun read and one that has me wanting to settle down with a book, a cup of tea, and a scone - right after I book a trip to Charleston of course!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Definitely!  Even though this wasn't flawless or hugely unique it's such a fun series that I'll be looking for the next one or any others from Child.

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you like cozies and haven't read this series you're missing out!

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. I love all of Laura Childs' series. I need to catch up with this one. I've read them out of order and it didn't matter. She's so good at writing cozies.

  2. Now THAT's a premise haha! Death by drone. That almost should have been the title. Hot Air Homicide? lol. Anyway yes I don't think I've ever come across drone/ hot air balloon murder before- totally original! Glad it was good too. :)

  3. I love the cover of the book, and fine china and a tea shop mixed up in a mystery would be fun. Ah death by drone - yuck!
