Saturday, June 2, 2018

My Non-Bookish Favorites This Spring

Spring isn't technically over but here in North Alabama it might as well be.  The temperatures are hitting in the 90s most days and humidity has decided it's time to make itself known.   Between that and school ending earlier this week I've decided that despite what the calendar says I'm calling an end to spring!  But before that door is well and truly closed I thought I'd look back at some of my Non-Bookish Favorites.

Notebooks:  I love lists and I love notebooks.  I used to just buy a bunch of spiral notebooks when they were on sale before school started but between the little bits of paper that occur and the fact that they're just not very pretty I was somewhat dissatisfied.  Recently I splurged and bought a handful of journal style notebooks with pretty covers and they've been making me happy every time I pick one up!

Sharpie Highlighters:  What good is a list without a highlighter to check things off with?  I randomly grabbed a pack of Sharpie Highlighters at Target and these things are amazing!  The color is so vivid but you can still see through it.  These are the only kind of highlighters I'm buying from now on.

My Chip 'n' Dale Mug - I don't have any Disney merchandise but when I saw this mug during our last trip to Disney World I couldn't resist.  I love Chip 'n' Dale and this mug makes me happy every time I drink a cup of tea out of it which is as often as I can!

Halo Mandarins - The Tornado and I have been eating these by the truckload this spring and loving them.  They've stopped showing up in the grocery store lately which makes me sad but it made spring much more cheerful.

Yoga with Adriene - I'm still loving yoga and Yoga with Adriene is my very favorite on YouTube.  I'm 2/3 of the way done with her original 30 Days of Yoga and I've done Yoga for Flexibility several times.  It's only about 15 minutes and is such a great stretch.

Invisibobble Hair Bands - These look like small loops of telephone cord (remember the old spiral kind?) and are amazing!  They claim you can use it on wet hair and it won't leave a mark but I don't think I believe that.  However, they don't pull, they stay put and you can twist them as many times as you want for different secureness levels and they can take them.  I have very thick very heavy hair and they are the best things ever.

What were your favorite things this spring?


  1. It's been 90's here too, very hot for this time of year! And I love notebooks, I'm always finding something to write down in them!

  2. I've got a fox bullet journal that I need to do some work on. I keep a list of my reading in it but I'm a bit behind!

  3. After having a nice, cool spring, we are into the 100's now. Sigh. And it's way too early as the humidity levels have not dropped yet. I can handle the uber-hot in August, but early June? Nope. And I love the Halos as well. Yes, guess those little fruits are only for winter and spring. I'll look forward to more of them in a few months. Now, we have the peaches. I love peaches. :-)

  4. Spring isn't over, but it sure feels like it here too.

  5. It's great to have nice looking notebooks and/or day planners because I know I'm more likely to pick one up if it has eye appeal. Ha ha. 📒

    Omgawd, I love that 3D mug. I have the Chip and Dale theme going through my head now. 😊

    The same thing happened wuth my cara cara oranges. The last two times I have been to Wegmans there have been zero. They used to have them all year long. I have been really sad. 😞 You have reminded me that I have to email them about it.

    I'm still loving my Brandless organics orders. I bribed Baz into helping me take photos of our last haul, so I can do a blog post about it, by ordering extra snacks for him when I did our order for this month.😁

  6. I love that mug! I am funny about pens. Once I find some that I like, I guard them at work so that nobody will take them. I am curious about the hair bands.

  7. You can’t help but feel happy looking at that mug!!

  8. I would be lost without my Sharpie Highlighters!!

  9. I love your Dale mug; I grew up on him and Chip. Notebooks are fun too. I love a fresh notebook although I'm so anal about my penmanship.
