Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What I'm Reading Wednesday - July 3

I always have a few books going and this is what I'm reading this week and what I think of my reads.

Print Book:

I'm almost done with Shadow of a Spout by Amanda Cooper which I've enjoyed a surprising amount.  It's a good straight forward cozy mystery with two different generations, lots of secrets and gossip and antique teapots.  I don't remember loving the first book but this one has been a lot of fun.

Next Up: 15 Summers Later by RaeAnne Thayne


The Confidence Games by Tess Amy - I'm about halfway done with this one and am enjoying it.  The characters are a bit older and the topics are a bit more serious than the cover and tagline led me to believe but it's still been a fun read. 

Next Up: A Murder at the Movies by Ellie Alexander - This is the second book in the Secret Bookshelf cozy mystery series and I'm looking forward to it.

Slow Read:  

A Wolf Called Romeo by Nick Jans - This was leant to me by a friend who says it is wonderful and that I need to read it before we visit a wolf preserve in October.  I'm just barely started it so I don't really have an impression of it but I am a bit nervous as it does involve animals.

Audio Book:

Old World Murder by Kathleen Ernst - I'm close to done with it and have enjoyed the mystery though the characters (especially the main character, Chloe) are not my favorite.  So far I like the premise enough to continue the series - especially since I have the next book as an overdue review book.

Next Up: Secrets of the Greek Revival by Eva Pohler

What are you reading?

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books on My TBR with Green on the Covers

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Covers with My Favorite Color On It.  My favorite color is green and I went through all my various TBR lists to find covers that have green on them.

1.  Summer Wives by Beatriz Williams

2.  Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

3.  Dead Heading by Catherine Aird

4.  The Fleet Street Murders by Charles Finch

5.  Mrs. Jeffries and the Feast of St. Stephen by Emily Brightwell

6.  Gone Gull by Donna Andrews

7.  As Death Draws Near by Anna Lee Huber

8.  Someone to Honor by Mary Balogh

9.  The Daughters of Foxcote Manor by Eve Chase

10. Matchmaking Can Be Murder by Amanda Flower

What is your favorite color?

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Body in the Bookstore - Cozy Mystery Review

Goodreads: The Body in the Bookstore (A Secret Bookcase Mystery #1) by Ellie Alexander

Rating:  Liked It! (3.5 Stars)
Source:   Publisher

Description:  Bookseller Annie Murray is thrilled when the mystery-themed book festival she sets up to revive the dwindling fortunes of her workplace and sanctuary seems poised for success. But events take a shocking turn when a body is discovered hidden behind the shelves, and it’s revealed that the victim is Annie's old college acquaintance.

Determined to ensure the festival’s success and save the small town of Redwood Grove from a killer, Annie begins piecing together clues with the help of her friends. But as the list of suspects grows longer – a local boutique-owner, an envious old classmate, a bitter ex-boyfriend – Annie is drawn deeper into the case.

With the aid of her old criminology professor-turned-detective, can Annie unmask the murderer before they turn her festival into a real-life whodunit?

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  I love Ellie Alexander's books and the a mystery themed book festival seemed to good to pass up.

My Impression: I have a list of fictional places I wish were real and I'm pretty sure that The Secret Bookshelf - an Agatha Christie themed bookstore in a Victorian house complete with a secret bookcase - is pretty much at the top of the list.  There's also a cat named Professor Plum which makes me smile everytime he makes an appearance on the page.

When times are hard at the bookstore and all the of the ideas Annie comes up with to drum up business are failing Annie decides to shoot for the stars and comes up with a town wide mystery festival (another thing I wish happened in real life).  While Annie is thrilled about the turnout and the response she's not thrilled to connect with some of her old college friends - especially one who ends up dead early on.

I enjoyed this mystery.  The setting is amazing, Annie and the rest of the characters are likable (except for the ones that aren't supposed to be), and Annie even has a mystery in her past.  Ellie Alexander excels at creating small towns with just the right amount of quirk and fun characters and once again she has created another small town that I would love to visit.  There is a bit of a slower start as the reader is being introduced to the characters and the basic premise but this is a series I'm excited to continue with.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Of course!  Ellie Alexander is one of my absolute favorite authors.

Would I Recommend this Book? I would - especially if you're a cozy mystery fan!  

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *