Monday, March 6, 2023

What I'm Reading Today - March 6


It is most definitely a Monday and I'm as tired as Rover is after a playdate on a sunny day.  Today I'm linking up with Kathryn over at Book Date for It's Monday! What Are You Reading?  Here's what I'm reading today:

Withering Heights by Dorothy Cannell - Not sure how I'm feeling about this one.  The writing style is pretty well paced but the main character is kind of annoying me.

Tempest at Sea by Sherry Thomas - So far so good but I'm not surprised as this series is pretty solid.

Strike Out 4 Murder by J.C. Eaton - So fun!  And also not a surprise as I've enjoyed every book in this series so far.

And I just started listening to:

Rose Cottage by Mary Stewart - I just started this one so I don't really have an opinion of it yet but I've enjoyed everything I've read by this author so far.

What are you reading today?


  1. I really want to read the JC Eaton series. It looks so good.

  2. I'm so glad you're enjoying Tempest at Sea as I have it coming up soon to read. Rover is adorable!!

  3. Just love that photo of Rover! Hope you enjoy your books this week.

  4. Can't wait for the new Lady Sherlock book. Cute picture!

  5. Strike Out 4 Murder looks like a very fun read.

  6. I love the cover of Strike Out 4 Murder! We'll be spending a few months near my husband's cousin. He has a mini dachshund that we adore.

    I read several of Mary Stewart's books when I was a teen but haven't read any others in years. I should pick her back up.

  7. I love the cover of Rose Cottage and the cozy mystery sounds great too. I hope you enjoy them all.

  8. I like the look of the J C Eaton book, I don't get through as many mysteries as you so I may never get to it but the cover says to me to try giving it a go.

  9. I love the Rose Cottage cover. 🌹

    I just started an ARC: Weyward. Again, it's being published as Women's Fiction, but the contemporary storyline of the dual storylines is Romance, so I'm not loving it. 😐

  10. I feel like I need to read the Sherry Thomas series. It sounds so good!
