Saturday, March 4, 2023

My Week in Reading - March 5

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Last week I didn't get any books.  This week more than made up for that and I'm not thinking about the Book Outlet order that is currently out for delivery!  That's a problem for next week's me.

A Traitor in Whitehall by Julia Kelly -
I absolutely loved a pervious book by this author and this looks fascinating.

Strike Out 4 Murder by J.C. Eaton - I love this cozy series and have already started it.  Annoyingly, it is not listed anywhere on Goodreads yet.

Fiddling with Fate by Diane Kelly - Love this series set in Chattanooga about a moonshine store.  Can't wait to see what trouble the main character gets into next.

Digging Up Daisy by Sherry Lynn - This is the first book in a new cozy series and it sounds really fun.

Murder on Bedford Street by Victoria Thompson - I love this historical mystery series and always look forward to the new books.

Who Cries for the Lost by C.S. Harris - Ditto above

A Tempest at Sea by Sherry Thomas -
also ditto above

Life in Five Senses by Gretchen Rubin - I really got a lot out of The Happiness Project by this author so I'm curious to see what information this one holds.

The Last Drop of Hemlock by Katharine Schellman - I have really enjoyed another series by this author and am curious to try this one.  

Birder, She Wrote by Donna Andrews - This is one of my favorite cozy mystery series and even if it wasn't how could I resist that title!

Identity by Nora Roberts - I may have done a bit of a happy dance featuring jazz hands when this one arrived.  I love Nora Roberts' romantic suspense books and have really high hopes for this one.

This looks even more daunting when listed out!  These are all for review from the publishers.


  First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen and Strike Out 4 Murder by J.C. Eaton

Listening:  The Rose Cottage by Mary Stewart

This was a good week.  Will was feeling pretty good other than a bit of pain in his feet and hands.  This is an expected side effect from 2.5 years of chemo but is getting better and is expected to go away completely in a few months.  I'm feeling almost back to normal after covid except for still having a bit of a cough.  We got several days of school in and it's been very encouraging to feel like we are very slowly starting to find our footing and our routine again.  The focus for the remainder of the school year is to settle into a routine, build his stamina and attention span back up and start making progress on getting caught up.  He will also still be taking a lab science with a local group.  

This week was the last week of puppy class which made me a sad.  I always love all the puppies but there were several in this class that I really fell in love with.  Luckily we will have a new group in a few weeks.  Rover and I are finished with scent work until April but will start an Agility fundamentals class in the next few weeks along with still taking Rally.  He's doing great in Rally and I think we will be ready for a trial in the next couple of months but I'm a little worried about how he'll do in Agility.  We both have a lot to learn!  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Wowzers! You have quite a haul this week. I always like getting my Book Outlet box - I'll look forward to what you add to your bookshelves next week. Have a terrific week and enjoy a good book.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  2. "next week's me" :)

    I love that cover of Tempest. And the puppies honestly sound adorable.

  3. You've got a lot of great books this week, including a couple I have pre-ordered. I need to go get my ARC of Digging Up Daisy, too.

    Hope next week you isn't too mad at this week's you for that book order.

  4. Glad to find out about Mary Stewart's The Rose Cottage, the only book of hers I haven't read or heard about. Have a great week.

  5. Oh no! I didn't know you had Covid! I am glad that you are feeling better - and that you avoided it so long as well. :)

    I love that in homeschooling we can really work around our kiddo's needs. I am glad that Will is doing well.

  6. You did get a bunch of books and I wish you luck with them. I'm most excited for the new Lady Sherlock book from Sherry Thomas. Can't wait to read that one. Glad that your cough is better and hope it fades away. Good thoughts for Will and his adjustment to life from this point on. Have a good week!

  7. Awesome haul!!! I am trying to catch up on the Gaslight series! I am on #19, it's a goal for this year. :) Enjoy all those awesome books! Glad Will is doing great and hope the pain goes away soon and glad to hear you are doing better as well. :)

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  8. Exactly. No one is counting books that have not yet been delivered.

    I'm glad you are almost over Covid.

  9. Glad that you and Will are doing well! Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  10. That is quite a haul this week. I also have Tempest at Sea and Identity. Have a great week.

  11. So glad to hear that Will is doing well. And take it easy for the next few weeks after having Covid - it took me a couple of months to appreciate that I hadn't made a clean recovery. I now wonder if I hadn't tried pushing so hard in trying to get back to normal, whether I could have avoided suffering from Long Covid. Love the look of your book haul - and I hope you have a great week:).

  12. I love that Victoria Thompson series and am really looking forward to reading her next one! And I have to check out Birder, She Wrote... because what a fun title! Have a great week. :D

  13. So glad to hear you and Will had a good week. Your list of books look great. I have a couple of them to read, too. Hope you have a great week!

  14. That's a big batch of review books! Good luck getting them all read and reviewed. Glad it was a good week for you.

  15. YES! to CS Harris, Sherry Thomas, Victoria Thompson and Nora Roberts. I've read A Tempest at Sea and it will definitely be in my favorites for the year.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  16. Yikes what a windfall of books in the last week! And all sounding so good - well especially Identity which I'll definitely read. I remember I enjoyed First Frost. Must be good to be getting back to a routine and the classes with Rover that feed your spirit. Enjoy the upcoming book arrivals!!

  17. Your new books all sound great. You have some great reading ahead of you! I am glad you are feeling better and hope that cough doesn't linger too much longer. I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  18. What a great feeling to be working toward returning to normal and settling back into a routine. I know it's been a long time coming. I'm excited for the new one from Nora Roberts!

  19. Sorry you're dealing with the after effects of COVID. I hope your cough goes away soon. I also hope Will's pain in his hands and feet doesn't last too long. I hope you have a great week!

    My Sunday Post

  20. How old is your son again? I always imagined him to be fairly young, but lab science sounds like a high school class. Good luck with establishing a routine!

  21. I hope you feel better soon and Will's pain goes away quickly.

    I love Sarah Addison Allen and get so happy when I see anyone reading her books. She's a local author for me so I take an outsize interest in her books!

    Enjoy your week!

  22. I'm happy to hear life is slowly getting back to normal and that homeschooling is chugging along. 🤗

    I wish I knew someone locally who was doing agility training so that I could go with them just to watch. 🙂

    I hope your week has been great, so far. ☀

  23. Nice haul this week! I hope that Will's side effects go away soon and that you are able to shake your cough. Have a great week!

  24. That World War II book looks good. I love the cover!

    I hope Will's side effects go away soon.


  25. Book Outlet is so dangerous. I have to stay away from it or I'll spend all my money. I hope you and Will both feel better soon!

  26. I just saw someone else post about A Tempest at Sea. Love the cover and it sounds good. Hope you have a good week and enjoy all those new books!
