Sunday, September 25, 2022

Life with Leukemia, A Puppy and Some Reading - September 25

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry

An American in Scotland by Lucy Connelly

Sleep No More by Jayne Ann Krentz


Reading:  The Ghost and the Stolen Tears by Cleo Coyle and Silent Murders by Mary Miley

Listening:  Heiresses: The Lives of the Million Dollar Babies by Laura Thompson

September is Childhood Cancer awareness month and this amazing foundation in our city put on a big event for all the St Jude patients.  They rented out this business that has an arcade and roller skating and laser tag and a whole bunch of other activities for just patients and their families.  As well it was catered and the kids got unlimited coins for the different games.  The mascot for our local baseball team was also wandering round to interact with the kids.  It was such a fun night and Will had a great time.  His numbers are still pretty low and his energy has been down too but other than that he's feeling pretty good.

I'm writing this on Friday because Saturday the dog club I'm a member of is having a big event where we showcase all the different activities we do and have lots of dog related vendors and food trucks (not dog related but most will have some kind of dog treat!) and lots of other stuff.  Normally a few thousand people show up so it's kind of crazy.  I'm volunteering for the bulk of the day in different activities and am expecting to be absolutely wiped out Saturday night and Sunday!  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. That event sounds really neat. Hope your event on Saturday went well! I love anything food trucks there's something about food truck food :)

    Hope you have a wonderful week end!

  2. Will looks great in this photo. So happy he was able to participate in the skating and laser tag. Tristan used to loooove laser tag when he was Will's age.

    We just did the Embark DNA test on Loki. I will be interested to see what he's made up of as he's way too tall and fat to be only min-pin and chihuahua!

  3. Hi Katherine, catching up here and happy to read that Will was able to have a fun day out. Hopefully, his numbers will increase to enable him to feel better. Have a good week.

  4. What a wonderful event for Will! He sure looks happy. I hope you enjoy the dog event!

  5. I'm glad Will had fun and hope his numbers improve. I hope you enjoy the festival and aren't too exhausted. Take care.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  6. I'm glad Will got to enjoy the event despite his low numbers and tiredness - he looks good in the photo! One of our daughters is getting a Whippet puppy next month... they'll be starting training shortly after. Such an exciting time! Have a good week.

  7. I'm looking forward to the new Patty Callahan Henry book. Love her books. Looks like Will had a fun party to attend. I hope his numbers improve. Wow, what a dog event! I hope it all went great!
    Mary @Bookfan

  8. I hope you enjoyed the event on Saturday. I was checking out the Patty Callahan Henry book on NG and it really does look good. Enjoy. Have a great week!

  9. Oh boy big commitment there with the dog club showcase. Hope it went well and you loved it. Hope the Patti Callahan Henry book is good, will wait for your review to see if I buy it, I usually do like her books.

  10. What a lovely event for the kids. I am so glad Will and the other kids got to have such a great time!

  11. What a wonderful event! And a lovely pic of Will - I hope he thoroughly enjoyed it. And as I'm late in catching up with everyone else this week - I also hope that you have now completely recovered from your volunteering stint:)). It sounds like lots of fun, but also shattering:).

  12. I'm happy Will got to have some special fun! 🙌🙌🙌

    I hope you had fun at the dog event, too! 🐕
