Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday - Summer TBR

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Summer TBR.  I love making this list each season even if I don't always (okay never) get to all the books on my list.

1.  The Librarian Spy by Madeline Martin - The previous book by this author was one of my favorite books of last year and I'm so excited about this one!

2.  Round Up the Usual Peacocks by Donna Andrews - This is one of my favorite cozy mystery series and I can't wait to see what kind of hijinks and mayhem happen in this book.

3.  A Certain Darkness by Anna Lee Huber - This is another favorite series and in the previous book the main character had some real personal growth and I'm curious to see how this affects the books going forward.

4.  Dewey Decimated by Allison Brook - I love this series involving a haunted library and a cat names Smoky Joe.  I can't wait to read this one!

5. Castle Deadly, Castle Deep by Veronica Bond - I loved the first book in this series last year and am so excited to pick this one up.

6.  The Evil Inside by Heather Graham - I enjoy this series and love a good romantic suspense during the summer.  I've been making slow progress on catching on on this series from the beginnning and this is the next book in the series for me.

7.  Unnatural Death by Dorothy L. Sayers - I'm making slow progress on reading the Lord Peter Wimsey series in order and this is the next book.

8.  By Book or By Crook by Eva Gates - A book set on the Outer Banks in a library inside of a lighthouse seems like perfect summer reading!

9.  Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams - This book has been on my TBR FOREVER and I'm hoping to finally read it this summer.  I love Adams' sense of humor and this looks like it'll be really fun - and more than a little weird.

10.  Tilly and the Book Wanderers (Pages and Co #1) by Anna James - It's been a long time since I've read a new to me Middle Grade and this one looks really fun.

What are you hoping to read this summer?


  1. I've been eyeing The Librarian Spy; I hope it's as good as it sounds.

  2. These all look good and I have a few on my TBR. The Libarian Spy looks really good and I love the cover.

  3. I've got the first two books on your list on 'hold' at the library. I'm first in line when they come in. LOL

  4. Round Up the Usual Peacocks looks good. I enjoy a good cozy mystery

  5. The Librarian Spy sounds really intriguing. I hope you enjoy reading all of these! :D Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. I never get to all of the books on my summer reading list either, but this year I'm really going to try. And so many of the books on your list look so good I might have to add them on to mine. :D Happy reading!

  7. The Librarian Spy sounds good! I made a summer list, but I already know I'm not sticking to it, lol. I'm too much of a mood reader.

  8. Another great list - when I saw it I jumped over to NG and put Dewey Decimated into my line up because I too love that series. I think I've listened to them all on audio so it will be different to actually read one on my Kindle. I have the Anna Lee Huber one as well.
