Sunday, June 19, 2022

Life with Leukemia, a Puppy, and Some Reading - June 19

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Nothing!  I took a week off from new books.


  Murder is No Picnic by Amy Pershing and Mrs. Pollifax on the China Station by Dorothy Gilman

Listening:  Travels with George:  In Search of Washington and His Legacy by Nathaniel Philbrick

This was two years ago today.  Will had just been diagnosed with leukemia and was getting loaded up from transport to Memphis.  The blanket over him is from the Linus Project and it is one he still has and is very special to him.  We were less than 24 hours past diagnosis, had packed for unknown period of time at 2AM in complete shock and had no idea what the future held.  

This was one year ago and we were just getting comfortable being back home.  His hair is finally starting to grow in and he has the beginning of what would be a glorious crop of chemo curls.

And this was just a few days ago with our very favorite astronaut and Will's former Physician's Assistant when we first in Memphis.  It's been a crazy two years but Will has done so amazing.  He's been so matter of fact about everything, asked tons of questions, and been very sarcastic pretty much throughout.  For the first time we are starting to feel like the end is is sight with just 32 weeks left in treatment!  

Today we are taking Rover on a play date and then going swimming since it is crazy hot outside and swimming is about the only thing that one can do outside.

And here's a picture of Rover from after class this week.  He's getting to be such a good boy even though he drives me crazy sometimes!  His adult coat is starting to come in and he's starting to get that golden retriever fluff.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. 32 weeks left- that is awesome! what a journey you are on but through your posts we are able to follow and support you. Thanks for sharing. And I hope Will has an awesome week. Yay for swimming too. :) Sometimes that's the best way to cool off!

  2. Two years! So it's great that he's been handling this so well overall. I'm not sure I would be if I were in his shoes.

    And I have to give a "Yes!" to Mrs. Pollifax, although this isn't one of my favorites. (6-8 are the weak points in the series, as far as I am concerned.)

  3. What a two years, you have all been very courageous. I love that Linus blanket. Rover is gorgeous and such a distraction! Enjoy your reading and swimming.

  4. I am proud of everything Will and you went through and glad that you stood strong. And Rover is a cute as usual! I hope you have a great week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  5. Yay that the end is in sight <3

    Have a great weekend and week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  6. I'm very glad you guys can see the finish line! It's so cool that his former PA is an astronaut. Rover is a cutie!

  7. So wonderful to see the end of treatment! Look how big Rover has gotten.

  8. So glad the end of treatment is in sight! Wonderful pictures.

  9. Wow, it has been quite the journey, and I love how the photos show the progress. Enjoy how much progress you all have made. Here are my

  10. Thanks for sharing the photos, Katherine. I'm so happy for you all, it is nearly finished. You are so brave to take on a puppy.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  11. Aaah Katherine, by looking back - we sometimes discover just how far we've come. I am so glad to see all the progress and although 32 treatments are still a lot to go, the end is in the sight.

    Good luck to both of you and I hope you enjoyed that swim!!!

  12. I'm so glad you can see the end in sight. I'm glad Will looks like he's doing and feeling better. I hope he continues to improve and that he'll be able to stay on his treatment schedule.

    My Sunday Post

  13. It's been a long hard road for you all and I am so glad that the end in near and that Will is coming through things well and has had a good attitude about it all. Rover is looking so cute! Hope you had a fun time swimming it' super hot here too!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  14. Thank you for continuing to share this journey! Glad Will is doing as well as he is and I hope he continues to improve and get better! I can't imagine this heat is fun for you guys if it is anything like it is where I live. And how cool with the astronaut! Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  15. Two years is such a long time for a child to have to endure treatment. Will is a real trooper. I loved the diff pictures you posted. Hoping Will continues on this path of strength.

  16. That Linus blanket is so coo. I'm so glad that you don't have much longer to go. Will sure is a trooper and I hope he continues to heal and get better.

  17. I'm happy for you all. What a nightmare getting shipped off to Memphis with no idea what would happen. You are a strong family and I admire you all. Will has beautiful hair!

  18. Wow, two years? Will has been doing so well since then. It's wonderful. Hope you have a great week!

  19. So glad Will is doing some much better! Will keep the family in my prayers.

  20. How lovely that Will is doing well. He seems like a brave young man.
    Your cozies tempt me to go find one.
    Have a good week and Happy Reading!

    1. Oops - forgot to leave my name. Martha from Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf.

  21. Less than a year to go! I'm so happy for you all. 🤗 I'm getting teary just thinking about it. Will certainly is a brave knight. 😊

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  22. Wow, hard to believe what a trek the past couple of years have been for you all (and on top of a pandemic). Sending you all best wishes for this final stretch. Thanks for sharing the pics. Wonderful.
    Mary @Bookfan

  23. I'm so happy for you that you can see the progress that has been made in the last two years. I'm sending good thoughts and prayers that the last 32 weeks go by easily and swiftly, and that that will be the beginning of many, many non-leukemia days.

  24. I hope 32 weeks flies by in the blink of an eye and that Will happy and well when its all over. And I'm glad Rover is doing so well in doggie school.
