Sunday, August 22, 2021

Life with Leukemia (And Some Reading) - August 22

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Staging is Murder by Grace Topping - The first book in this mystery series about a house stager came up in my TBR Roulette and I was so intrigued by the plot I went on and picked up the book.  (Purchased)


Reading:  Murder Most Fair by Anna Lee Huber and French Fried by Kylie Logan

Listening:  Death in Dark Blue by Julia Buckley

This week has been pretty calm.  Will maintained weight so we were able to put off the NG tube (temporary feeding tube through the nose) for another week.  In some ways I think he'd actually be relieved to get it so he wouldn't have to worry about food anymore but at the same time the actual getting it kind of weirds him out.  A picky kid who was never super interested in food combined with chemo is NOT a good combination!  We had kind of kicked around the idea of visiting a relative who lives at the beach.  She's very careful and has a private beach so we'd really be able to isolate while still being on vacation but after talking to his oncologist I don't think it's in the cards for us.   His immune system is so sensitive to the chemo he's getting that it has dramatic drops and doesn't stay suppressed but stable like a lot of kids' do.  It's a small thing but we were hoping for some beach time.  He has his in person class coming up this week and we are working on getting our homeschool routine back strong.  

I've been working on getting an exercise routine firmed up and it's nice to be getting a little bit of movement in.  I've also been getting in some reading which has been even better!  Between those two things and making sure I have everything planned out for Will's school that's about all I've gotten done.  My energy level has been junk and I suspect that fact that it seems to do nothing but rain has something to do with it!  I'm hoping for some sunshine (and maybe some pool time!) this week.  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh i love that Huber cover so much.

    Glad to hear the tube wasn't necessary although at the same time I understand how you feel about it too- it would be hard to struggle with that. I hope this is a good week too! That's a bummer about the beach but I imagine better to be safe.

    I hope you get some sun!

  2. Sorry to hear about the trip. It's looking like a trip I had hoped to take next month is going to fall through, and I'm rather bummed about it. If you want to send the rain my way, we will definitely take it.

  3. Sorry your beach plans plus dreary weather is messing with moods and plans. I'm happy Will did not need the feeding tube this past week. Glad you are getting lots of good reading in (I love the covers.)

  4. I can relate to not wanting that feeding tube. The whole idea of tubes can be off-putting.

    I like your books...especially the one with the house stager. Sounds interesting.

    Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  5. I am curious about Staging for Murder! Hope you like it. I am glad that Will doesn't have to be on the feeding tube right now, hope it stays that way. Sorry to hear you can't go to the beach, I know some fun relaxing beach time would be real nice for you all! Hope this week is a good one!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  6. House staging is such a fascinating job and now I can't help but consider the murder mystery possibilities! It also sounds like there's a lot you have to think over and worry about so I'm not surprised your energy level isn't what you're used to. Fingers crossed for sunshine! I hope you all have a lovely week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  7. Aaah, sorry the beach trip is not going to happen. There will be other times to come. We pray and hope for those!

    You are reading a couple of great Murder Mysteries here. Sounds good!

    Have a good week and take care of you too.

    Elza Reads

  8. Sure got the cozy mystery feels with these covers. Enjoy.

  9. I really like the cover of the Anna Lee Huber book. I'll have to take a look at that. I hope you get some sunshine and that Will maintains his weight. Enjoy your reading and I hope you all have a good week.

  10. I really like the cover of the house staging murder mystery. That is a really good occupation for amateur sleuthing. I'm sure the feeding tube would be super weird. Like having a port for chemo weird. I hope there is a trip to the beach in the future. Have a good week!

  11. I'm glad to hear he didn't have to get the tube. I want to read the Anna Lee Huber books. Well hopefully the beach will be fine at some point, right now we aren't going anywhere seeing all the COVID cases. You can have some of our sun for some of your rain. We've gotten a little more rain over the last couple weeks but we could use a little more.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  12. Do hope you get some sunshine, it does make a huge difference. You are doing so much caring good to hear you are doing a couple of things to take care of yourself. I will read the Huber book soon, but not just yet.

  13. I am sorry to beach time won't work out. I hope school is going well and he enjoys the in-person class. Mouse has been back two weeks now. I think she's still in the honeymoon phase. She's so happy to be back in an actual classroom full-time and the homework has been light so far. It doesn't keep me from worrying though, hearing about all the positive test results popping up in the schools. At least I live in a state where masks are required in schools. I hope you have a great week. Sending good health vibes Will's way.

  14. Sending good thoughts and prayers for an uneventful week combined with good reading.

  15. Sorry for the disappointment of a cancelled beach trip, but an uneventful week is okay these days...

  16. So glad Will didn't need the feeding tube. I'm still sending good thoughts and prayers to Will.

    Your books look good. I have Staging is Murder to read. Hopefully soon.

    Have a great week!

  17. I'm happy to hear Will maintained his weight. I think it was those magic fries! 🍟✨

    I hope you received some sun and got in some pool time this week. 🎶🌞

  18. I hope you're able to have beach time very soon.
