Sunday, April 5, 2020

This Week in Reading - April 5

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

A Sprinkling of Murder by Daryl Wood Gerber - I love this cover and the premise so when I saw it listed I couldn't resist.  (NetGalley)

A Fatal Fiction by Kaitlyn Dunnett - I do love a bookish murder and this is bookish murder with history!  (NetGalley)

Murder on Pleasant Avenue by Victoria Thompson - I love this series and am really looking forward to the next adventure.  (Publisher)

Mousse and Murder by Elizabeth Logan - This is a new series but foodie cozies are really calling my name right now.  (Publisher)

Pumpkin Spice Peril by Jenn McKinlay - McKinlay is a favorite cozy author and I love this series though it does make me want to eat lots of cupcakes! (Publisher)


Reading:  Miss Austen by Gill Hornby which I'm almost done with, The Case is Closed by Patricia Wentworth, and A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

Listening:  Death by Committee by Alexis Morgan

Watching:  We are going through all the British crime shows on Amazon Prime so right now we are finishing up Unforgotten and really enjoying it!  I saw they had more seasons on BritBox or Acorn so We will probably add on one of those fairly soon.

Off the Blog:

 New week basically same story.  We are under a stay-at-home order but it isn't really going to change much for us as we've basically been living like we were under one for the last few weeks anyway.  My daughter is finishing up her very first year of teaching so she's scrambling to get things sorted and ready to start distance learning tomorrow with her students.  She teaches in a fairly poor county in a different part of the state so kids having access to internet or technology of any kind isn't really a given but her school district has done really well providing laptops and hotspots.  I don't envy her this bit of the school year.  The elementary school teachers did a parade of cars through all the bus routes this week and while the Tornado is homeschooled it was still fun to see some familiar faces drive by honking and waving.  

For day to day life we're still doing school, my husband is still working from home and we're still combing takeout and cooking.  We made a list of locally owned restaurants and franchises and are trying to order from them as much as possible to do what we can.  I've also discovered which looks to be a great way to support indie bookstores and get books all at the same time!  I'll probably order from them in the next week or so. 

I hope everyone is staying safe and sane and getting some good reading in! 

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  A Hodge Podge of Reviews - What I've Been Reading 2020 #1
Tuesday:  Books that Take Place in Spring on my TBR Pile
Wednesday:  Miss Austen - Historical Fiction Review
Thursday:  Books from the Backlog
Friday:  Friday Fives
Saturday:  The Cruelest Month - Mystery Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh wow that cover for A Sprinkling of Murder is so cute!

    Pumpkin Spice Peril makes me want pumpkin spice something lol!

    I have to admit I'm kind of enjoying the excuse to get takeout more! I think that's a great idea to make a list and support as many as possible. We've got a few that we desperately hope don't go under with all the loss of business!

    Our online learning starts next week and I have mad respect for all the teachers scrambling t put their plans together.

    Hope you have a safe and happy week!

  2. I love the cover of A Sprinkling of Murder too! It sounds like it will be a cute read. I hope you are enjoying Miss Austen and the Case is Closed. Both are on my wish list.I feel for your daughter. I am glad the district is providing laptops and hot spots to students who don't have them. Ours is doing what it can too in that regard. I hope you have a good week. Stay safe and well.

  3. Yeah all those new incoming books look great and that cover is immediately saying "pick me". We have only supermarkets open here so no shopping, only essential things and books are not in that category!!

  4. I love the idea of the Parade. We have finally got accustomed to the new normal. Still it is weird that we dont hear children playing at the parks. Anyway stay safe.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  5. Such strange and worrying times we live in. Enjoy all your new books, they are a nice pick me up. And I'm a little jealous of your takeaways, as I've none local to me that are still open, and I really miss eating out.

  6. A Sprinkling of Murder sounds like my type of book. I look forward to your posts this week, I started blogging more , it distracts me in this new normal. Stay well and enjoy your books!

  7. I've seen a lot of the parades going around and think it's a cute idea!
    Have a great week! Stay safe!

    Stacy Renee | LazyDayLit

  8. I love the British Crime shows but haven't watched any in a while

    The Daryl Wood Gerber book looks very tempting. Thanks for sharing.

    I like how these difficult times challenge us to use additional resources and connect in new ways.

    Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  9. I go and already read Murder on Pleasant Avenue. Enjoy! That has to be very difficult for teaching. I have been worried about families with either no access to Internet or maybe only 1 computer with many people at home now. It's weird. It's just my daughter and me. I worked with computers so I have 3 newer laptops plus 2 old desktops and we have both Kindles and iphones. We really have everything we need. I've been happy to stay home.

    I love British crime stuff. We don't have cable or watch much tv. We have Netflix and Amazon Prime where my daughter watches stuff but I tend to read instead.

    Have a wonderful week! Be kind and take care of yourself!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  10. Oooo, your new books sound good. Your daughter must be feeling so challenged right now; good on her school for providing laptops and hotspots. I hope they are also supporting the teachers such as your daughter.

    I love that you all are supporting your local restaurants, they certainly need it. Enjoy! Take care of yourself and happy reading.

  11. I've been eyeing A Sprinkling of Murder. I'm trying so hard no to request from NetGalley until I catch up, but this self-isolating thing has sort of pushed that to the side. I've seen quite a few good cozies there this week.

    Enjoy your books, take care and stay safe!

  12. A Sprinkling of Murder by Daryl Wood Gerber looks SO GOOD!

    Have a good week and stay safe :)

  13. How fun that the teachers did a drive-by and the Tornado got to see them as well. Definitely some challenges for teachers. We have a couple of those in our family and even though they are quite experienced, it's still a big change. Acorn and Britbox have a lot of British mystery series, so I can recommend both of them. Lots of fun to watch. We're ordering from local restaurants as well and supporting them as we can. Hope your week goes well!

  14. I'm glad to hear you're all holding up well... strange times. Looks like you've got some good reads going, too. Hope you have a good week ahead!

  15. We're doing more take out than we usually would and doing the same thing, really trying to order local. We've hit some faves but are also trying some new places. Kudos to your daughter and all of the teachers who have worked so hard to help the kids stay on track as well as possible through all of this.

  16. I just read SPRINKLE WITH MURDER, the first book in the McKinlay series. It's a fun one, but you're right - it definitely made me crave cupcakes!

  17. Those cozies sound good. Enjoy!
    Our school is offering online schooling or printed packets for those without access (because our area is rural and deadspots are an issue) which they mail out. The teacher advisers for each grade also phone parents once a week to check in, so I had three phone calls today.

    Wishing you a great reading week and good health

  18. I like how you are still trying to support your local businesses. I spoke to the women who runs the local shop and she is worried what will happen to her customers if she gets sick and has to close. I'm working off my winter bought supplies but I think I need some good chinese takeout to cheer us up!

  19. I am so impressed by how teachers everywhere have been able to adapt to a completely new way to teach. I think that it is wonderful that you are able to support local businesses. I hope you have a great week and enjoy all of your new books!

  20. I hate getting the emails about the death toll or the number of virus cases go up. I just delete them. I have ordered yarn here and there to support indie dyers or independent companies.
