Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Pawful Truth - Cozy Mystery Review

Goodreads:  Thew Pawful Truth (Cat in the Stacks #11) by Miranda James

Rating: Very Good
Source: Publisher

Description: In addition to his library duties and his role as doting grandad, Charlie has enrolled in an early medieval history course offered by young, charismatic professor Carey Warriner. Charlie feels a bit out of place- his fellow classmates are half his age- except for Dixie Bell Compton, another ‘mature’ student. When Charlie hears an angry exchange between her and their professor, his interest in piqued. He’s even more intrigued when she shows up at his office asking for a study partner. Charlie turns her down and is saddened to learn just a few days later that Dixie has been killed.
Charlie wonders if Professor Warriner had anything to do with Dixie’s death. Warriner is married to a fellow professor who happens to be a successful author. There are rumors on campus that their marriage was on the rocks. Was Dixie's death the result of a lovers’ triangle gone bad? Charlie soon discovers that the professor’s wife may have some secrets of her own and his suspect list is only getting longer.

As he and Diesel step further into the tangled web of relationships, someone else is viciously killed. Whose jealousy finally erupted into murderous rage? Was it a crime of passion or is there another more sinister motive? Charlie races to unravel this mystery: and to draw out the culprit, he may just have to put his own life on the line…

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  I've really enjoyed the last few books in the series so of course I couldn't resist this one!

My Impression:  This is one of those series that feel like visiting old friends as soon as you open the book.  This can be both good and bad.  Sometimes series with such developed characters and communities will have a book where the primary plot gets a little lost in all the character interaction and that was definitely the case here.  The mystery itself was very good but there were a number of times when it was a little lost.  It also developed a little late in the book which led to a fairly rushed feeling ending and a few threads that never felt fully wrapped up.

However, this was a thoroughly enjoyable read and I especially enjoyed the relationship between Azalea and Ramses the kitten.  We also got to catch up with Charlie's children and grandchildren which has factored into previous books.  This was everything a cozy mystery should read - enjoyable, fast paced with characters you just want to spend time with.  My only complaint was the mystery was a little weak and sometimes overshadowed by the fun characters.  If you're new to the series then this is probably not the book to start with but if you're a long time fan then I think you'll love it.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  I can't wait until the next book and really want to read the earlier books in the series.

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you love cozies I highly recommend this series but you may want to start with an earlier book.  If you're a long time fan of the series then I think you'll enjoy this one as much as I did.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. I never cease to be so impressed by the titles of cozy mystery books and this one is fabulous. The book sounds good, because I am not that great into a mystery the fact its light in that area would draw me in!!

  2. I love the title! Miranda James is another cozy author I should probably make a note to try at some point, along with Jenn McKinlay.

  3. I like the first book for sure. I'll be continuing it to see how it progresses.
