Monday, July 15, 2019

Layover - Mystery Review

Goodreads:  Layover by David Bell

Rating: Good
Source: Publisher

Description:  Joshua Fields takes the same flights every week for work. His life is a series of departures and arrivals, hotels and airports. During yet another layover, Joshua meets Morgan, a beautiful stranger with whom he feels an immediate connection. When it's time for their flights, Morgan gets up to leave, leans over and passionately kisses Joshua, lamenting that they'll never see each other again.
As Morgan slips away, Joshua is left feeling confused by what just happened between them. That's when he looks up and is shocked to see Morgan's face flashing on a nearby TV screen. He's even more shocked when he learns the reason why--Morgan is a missing person.

What follows is a whirlwind, fast-paced journey filled with lies, deceit, and secrets to discover the truth about why Morgan is on the run. But when he finally thinks every mystery is solved, another rears its head, and Joshua's worst enemy may be his own assumptions about those around him...

Genre: Mystery 

Why I Picked This Book:  I really enjoyed his previous book and this sounded intriguing.

My Impression:  I love David Bell's writing style.  Right from the start I'm pulled in and completely connected to the story.  I found the police investigation absolutely fascinating and loved when the POV shifted to the police detective Kimberly.  The investigation really kept me reading - what happened to the missing entrepreneur, was his brother involved, and just how was the woman in the airport involved?  I thought her struggles with balancing time for her daughter and her job seemed very realistic and not overdone. 

I had some problems with the main plot involving Morgan and Joshua that started at the airport.  I was interested and really wanted to find out just what was going on but Joshua's decisions made me want to shake him.  I get that he was floundering in both this professional and personal life but some of his choices were flat out insane and stalker-y.  But while I was rolling my eyes at Joshua's impulsiveness I was flying through the pages to see just what happened next and dying to see how it resolved.   I wasn't disappointed!

This is the 2nd book from David Bell but it won't be my last.  Even when his characters drive me crazy his writing style pulls me and his intriguing plots keep me up way too late!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  I'd like to pick up some of his previous books and I'll be looking for the next book too!

Would I Recommend this Book?  I would.  If you enjoy psychological thriller type mysteries then I think you'd enjoy this one.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. Second blog I've seen this on. I've requested it from Netgalley so hopefully I'll get lucky.

  2. Ooh this sounds intriguing! I might need to try this author.

  3. I skimmed your review since I'm reviewing this one soon, but it sounds like you enjoyed the book. Glad to hear it's worth the read!

  4. Sounds like this could be a good author for you!

  5. Not my cup of tea but crazy to imagine a person on the run.
