Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Cozy Winter Reads

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl is Cozy Winter Reads.  It's suddenly gotten cold here (well my version of cold which is around 50 degrees) so I'm needing all the cozy reads I can think!  Here are some of my favorites and some I'm looking forward to curling up with this winter.

1.  A Week in Winter by Maeve Binchy - An old house in Ireland full of characters looking for happiness.  The wind is blowing and snow is falling but inside the fire is always burning!

2.  The Christmas Wishing Tree by Emily March - This is wonderfully Christmas-y with all the coziness that lives in the world of Emily March.

3.  A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn - Historical fiction always seems wonderfully cozy and mysteries even more so.  This is such a fun read with all kinds of secrets that it makes it perfect for a cold and windy night.

4.  Death Below Stairs by Jennifer Ashley - Another historical mystery but this one involves food which makes it even cozier!

5.  The Chilbury Ladies' Choir by Jennifer Ryan - Did I mention that historical fiction seems like cozy winter reading?  This one is extra cozy with people coming together, humor and loss.

6.  The Café by the Sea by Jenny Colgan - I don't think Jenny Colgan can write anything that isn't cozy and this one about a woman finding her own way in a remote Scottish isle is especially cozy.

7.  Still Life by Louise Penny - I don't live in an area that gets much snow so I can read this one on a cold blustery night and pretend that I can see all the piles of snow outside the window.

Books to Read:

8.  Christmas on the Island by Jenny Colgan - Not only is this a Jenny Colgan set in the Isle of Muir with some of favorite characters it's also a Christmas story!

9.  Untouchable by Jayne Ann Krentz - I love a good suspense story and it's so fun to cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and a good one.  And Krentz writes the best!

10. The Body in the Attic by Judi Lynn - Another suspense book and that title just begs to be read on a blustery night in front of a fire while under a blanket.

What are your favorite cozy winter reads?


  1. My winter reads have nothing cozy about them! Usually mine have murder, disaster and monsters so you can guess what my list is like this week!

  2. Ha your cold is much warm. It's been high 40s here and it feels so much better than the normal winter temps. I haven't read any of these books yet but if we need to check some out. Great list!

  3. Ooo… I've added A Week in Winter to my wishlist (although likely won't be until next winter that I get to it now) - I've been meaning to give Maeve Binchy's work a read for the longest time!

    Great list - I hope you're able to get to your 'to read' books also.

  4. The Colgan books always look so inviting with those covers, and the Raybourn and Ashley books sound awesome. I need to get back into some historical mysteries...

  5. You can't go wrong with a Jenny Colgan book. And seeing the mention of Chilbury Ladies' Choir prompted me to look up the author on Goodreads where I found out she has a new book in 2019! It's called The Spies of Shilling Lane. Can't wait to see what it's all about.

  6. I've got Christmas on the Island to read as well.

  7. Some great books in this list and I've read them too. I do want to read the Maeve Binchy one though.

  8. Oh, you are rocking my world with this list! I loved anything by Binchey and you just can't go wrong with her excellent storytelling. An old house in Ireland, it's great. I read that one a while back and know you will enjoy it. I also liked Chillbury Ladies Choir.

    I still haven't gotten to the Jenny Colgan books but you always intrigue me with those.

  9. I love Maeve Binchey's writing - she is deceptive as there is always a slight sting in her stories which stops them being sentimental. Thank you for sharing these attractive-looking books, Katherine:)

  10. I've read five of these and loved all of them. I'm looking forward to Colgan's Christmas novel. THE CHRISTMAS WISHING TREE is one I hadn't heard of, but it sounds like a great, cozy holiday read.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
