Monday, December 17, 2018

Covers to Get me in the Christmas-y Mood

I'm a big fan of pretty covers and I love all the Christmas-y covers around!  Here are a few of my favorites.

This is a series that I really meant to continue but somehow got distracted and never did.  This one was a lot of fun and involved yarn bombing which I had never heard of until this book.

Emily March has the best Christmas covers and this one is no exception.  I love the view of the town with the dog running through the snow.

I love the dog with the Santa hat and the decorated porch.

This is just gorgeous.  I don't think this story was my favorite but this cover is one of my favorites!

I love the snow against the brick red house and the snow covered berries.

I love the vintage look of this one with all that's going on.

Did I mention that Emily March has the best covers?  

I love the cat and the kittens in front of the tree.  Even better is that it reflects something that happens in the book itself.

I like that this one is a bit different with a more coastal look but still manages to be Christmas-y.

I love this cover even though the spilled glass looks a bit ominous and there's certain to be a murder or two lurking in the wings.  I love the fire and the Yule log on the table.

What kind of covers do you like on your Christmasy or winter reads?  


  1. I don't read the genres that tend to have this kind of cover. Anything I have with snow on it tends to be horror, apocalypse or dark thriller! I do like the snow scenes on these genres as I know it could be a good tense story!

  2. Cute photos on the covers. I think I am drawn to the snow covered houses and gardens when it comes to Christmas books.

  3. Nice! I especially like A Fright to the Death and Deck the Halls. :)

  4. Love all the covers and yes Emily March has fantastic Christmas covers!

  5. I love them. They would be such great Christmas cards!

  6. All the Christmas feels from these covers - Snowfall on Lighthouse Lane is my favourite of the bunch.

  7. I love a winter setting in my books but not in real :) I see one of my favorite series on this list! Love the Cajun Country Mysteries!

  8. These are all absolutely lovely! Thank you so much for sharing, Katherine:) It's helping me get into the Christmas mood while I'm rushing around like a headless Scrooge...

  9. Nice cover choices! And I've read at least half of them already, which means I've got about half to look forward to. Merry Christmas!
