Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday Linkups - Beach Town

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you agree or disagree with this statement:  A blogger's first name should be in a prominent place on his/her blog?

My Answer:
I probably slightly agree but it isn't a deal breaker.  I do prefer to have a name to associate with a blog/blogger but if there isn't one I can make do with a nickname!  My first name isn't really featured prominently but it's scattered about so hopefully that'll do!

I've been feeling a bit meh with what I'm reading so I thought I'd change it up a bit and do some true beach reading with Beach Town by Mary Kay Andrews.  I've been wanting to read Andrews for ages and this book has been sitting on my shelf for years!  I've just started this one but so far I'm enjoying it.

The Beginning:  
Greer Hennessy needed palm trees.

My Thoughts: 
I'm not really a big beach person.  We went a lot when I was a kid so maybe I got it out of my system or that it's simply just not my style of vacation but I know plenty of people that get a bit jumpy if they go to long without seeing palm trees.

The 56:
"You can't file for the request for the variance.  It has to be the landowner."

My Thoughts:  
Filing requests for variances does not sound like it's going to be fun and hassle free - especially if multiple people need to be involved.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  What genre are you in the mood for right now?


  1. I like that opening line. Sounds like someone in need of a tropical vacation! And I agree about the blogger hop question. It's nice to know but yeah not a dealbreaker.

  2. There's often a reason that some bloggers don't wish to share their name with other people and I think that's ok, as I do it myself. As long as the person isn't hiding behind an alias to troll people. As for beach reads, most of mine have sea monsters lurking...

  3. I agree with you - I like to have a name to put to a blog but not a deal breaker. Happy reading!!

  4. Hope you enjoy your 'beach' read. Mary Kay Andrews writes a good story. As to first names on your blog - I think that's the choice of the blogger. As the comment above points out, as long as it's not for nefarious purposes, to each his/her own. Mine is obviously right up there. But that's my choice. And people can call you by your blog 'name' very easily.

  5. Beach Town sounds interesting. I've never read the author. It helps personalize a blog to have the blogger's first name but I can see why some people don't want to share that information. This week I am featuring The Butterfly Conspiracy by Vivian Conroy. Happy reading!

  6. Since I am from the Pacific Northwest, I do not associate palm trees with the ocean. We have windswept little pines. My Friday Quotes

  7. I'm not really a beach person either. Sand is just fancy dirt to me. But I do love being on the boardwalk at the beach and watching the ocean. It always calms me. I'd love for you and your readers to check out mine.

  8. I love this author's books...they always feel like fun, but usually have some issues, too.

    That blogger question caught my eye, because I like to address the blogger in my comments, and when the only thing I can find to identify the person is the name of the blog, I get frustrated. I don't care if it's their real name...just something besides "An Interior Journey." LOL (That's one of my blogs, but imagine addressing me by that name).

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “JUST BETWEEN US”

  9. You had me at the cover and opening line. It sounds like a good summer read.

    My Friday 56 from A Proper Hellhound

  10. I could use some palm trees myself... lol... great opening! Happy weekend!

  11. Hope you continue enjoying it. Happy Reading!

  12. I like knowing the blogger's name and seeing a picture of him/her. I usually don't like blogs without one.

  13. I don't think I interact with any bloggers who don't have at least a nickname somewhere on the blog or with their commenting avatar. I know there was one though at some point because I wanted to link that they did one of my tags and I couldn't find a name to put with their blog anywhere. I don't remember who it was though. :)
