Sunday, May 20, 2018

This Week in Readng - May 20

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Beautiful Exiles by Meg Waite Clayton - This an author I've seen around for ages and always meant to try.  When I was offered this historical fiction about the relationship between Ernest Hemingway and journalist Martha Gellhorn.  I'm really looking forward to it!  (Publicist)

Selling Dead People's Things by Duane Scott Cerney - The cover of this one is a bit disturbing but the book itself is a nonfiction about estate sales and appraisers and antique stores.  I spend a decent amount of time going to antique stores and have spent some time at estate sales so I'm curious about the behind the scenes look. (NetGalley)


Reading:  A Howl of Wolves by Judith Flanders and Ghost Night by Heather Graham

Listening:  Nothing right now.  I'm next in line for an audio book at the library and until then I'm listening to podcasts.  Luckily my backlist is HUGE so there's no shortage of things to listen to!

Watching:  Not much really.  I'm not loving this season of Dancing with the Stars which is my favorite indulgence.  The shortened season which means constant double eliminations which I don't enjoy and I feel like I don't get to know the celebrities which is kind of the whole point along with lots of sparkles.  I think we're going to go back to watching the original Star Trek movies soon because despite Shatner's dubious acting they are a lot of fun.

Off the Blog:

We are in end of the school year madness which means the Tornado and I are both exhausted and sunburned.  It was Field Day Friday and I volunteered to help run a station which meant I had to project instructions over the voices of lots of kids of various ages for about 4 hours.  I may get my voice back in the next few days we'll see.  The Tornado had a blast and while I did try and swipe sunscreen on him every time I saw him I didn't get his face very well.  I'm slightly scorched which surprised me.  The whole school was outside all day playing games and running around and playing water games and eating snowcones.  It was fun but that followed by a very loud chaotic birthday party Saturday makes me want a nap!

I'm signing the Tornado up for tennis lessons so we're going to meet the instructor today and the Little Passports subscription box shipped so it should be here this week.  I'm super excited to start getting the boxes from different countries and think it'll be a fun addition to summer.  Other than that we've got a few weekend trips and I think we're going to get a few lazy days in early on.

This coming week is Eleanor's birthday but we celebrated with her Friday.  It's been quite a big year for her with the wedding right after last birthday and the birth of the little one just a few weeks ago.  We brought dinner and cupcakes and presents to her house and I got lots of baby snuggles so it was a fun night.  He's 6 weeks old and is so expressive and adorable!  I've gotten to babysit some which is always fun.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Ramblings from the Stacks - Library Wanderings
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Favorite Character Names
Wednesday: A Howl of Wolves - Mystery Review
Thursday:  Books from the Backlog
Friday:  Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  Spring Favorites

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Aw happy birthday to your daughter, and yay for baby time! :) Always nice. Hope your summer gets off to a good start. Color guard and marching band are starting here so let the chaos begin lol.

    Have fun with the Trek movies! I've been watching the Animated Series on Netflix and they're kind of a riot.

  2. Baby time is the best. Have a great week :)

  3. I wish that first year of babies lasted for 2 years rather than 1, they grow up far too quickly. It only feels like yesterday when my 3yo was a baby and now he speaks in full sentences including "anyway" included in the midst 😁

    I am amazed when bloggers can post daily. Well done!

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

  4. So glad to hear the update on your little grandson. And happy birthday to Eleanor as well. End of school - remember those days and also those outdoor events. Hope you guys have a fun summer - relaxing and restful-ish. LOL

  5. Wow! You sure had a busy week! Glad that the Tornado and Eleanor are doing well!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  6. I hope you get your voice back soon :) I have the hardest time after I have to teach as well. Voice trouble sucks!
    Hope you have a great week :)

  7. Congrats on your daughter's birthday and new baby, what a great experience for your family!

    I watched a show on tv about people auctioning off storage units of people who died or just abandoned them, and they were surprised by what was inside (some times actually good stuff). So I would probably like your Selling Dead People's Things, but I don't like the title, lol.

  8. I think you're entitled to put your feet up. Field Day Friday sounds really intense and then with a birthday party on Saturday, as well as your daughter's birthday celebration. It's wonderful cuddling newborns, isn't it? Nothing quite like it... Have a lovely week, Katherine - with some well-earned rest in there!

  9. Selling Dead People's Things sounds like a book that I would enjoy. I may have to look for that one. The end of the school year is always exhausting. You have been busy for sure with parties and baby cuddles added in the mix. Have a great week!

  10. I've been overdosing on royal documentaries with all the wedding fever, mixed up with some nice horror and apocalypse reads!

  11. I hope you and T enjoy Little Passports, everytime I see the commercial I am like I want that, hmmm is it bad to want one for myself as I have no :)

    Enjoy your reads!
    Week in Reads

  12. Happy Birthday to your daughter, all the best people are born in may. (my birthday is memorial day)
    Awwww! Baby cuddles, I love little ones, so warm and wiggly.
    I am looking forward to the kids ending school but we still have one more month. My son does extended year for a month but we might let him skip it this year or find a way to make it less days. I just want school over lol.

    I hope you have a fantastic week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  13. I love the nick name for your kid, The Tornado. If I gave mine a nickname it would be Hahaha, from the johnie johnie lyric.

  14. Your summer plans sound great!

    I am eager to get my hands on Beautiful Exiles...I never tire of books about Hemingway, and I saw a movie about him with Martha Gellhorn.

    I still have one Meg Waite Clayton book unread on Pippa...(The Race for Paris).

    Enjoy your week...and here are

  15. How fun to get to have baby time!

  16. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Oh my gosh, I remember field days! Good times. I hope you all have a fantastic week!

  17. I loved the field days. As a child it was so fun and as an adult I knew I wouldn't have to be rushing here and there to get my son to school and activities for a while. LOL Happy Birthday to your daughter!

    My Sunday Post

  18. Sounds like you've had a frantically busy week. I hope you recover your Field Day voice soon :-)

  19. Sounds like you have been extra busy! Happy birthday to your daughter. I hope Tornado enjoys his tennis lessons! That will be fun for him, I think. Mouse still have 3 weeks of school left. She has been practicing for her upcoming school play. She's so excited about it. :-) I hope you have a great week!

  20. A busy week for you! Happy B-Day to your daughter! I hope you have a great week!

  21. I want a Little Passports subscriptionsubscriptions! Ha ha. I think thats why I miss having a young one in the house, I don't get to play. 😊

    Have a wonderful week! 🌞

  22. I hope you and Tornado have a great summer. I remember Field Day. I wish we had that as adults.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  23. Oh boy, I know how it is at a school activity day. I hope you get your voice back soon. We are slowly getting to end-of-the-year madness; the teen just finished testing. I've put on my calendar when to order fabric for the youngest's teacher gift.

  24. Woo! I'm exhausted just thinking about yalls week. lol I'm glad you had a good one even if it was a bit tiring in the end :) Hope yall had a fun weekend!

  25. Beautiful Exiles is on my review stack. Looking forward to reading it. I hope the tornado takes to tennis lessons. One of my kids did. BTW that kid is due with her 4th child in about 7 weeks :)
    Have a good week!
