Thursday, May 17, 2018

Books from the Backlog - Untraceable

I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the stacks of books staring at me and how long it seems to take me to get to them.  When I saw this meme over at Carole's Random Life of Books I knew I needed to participate!  Hopefully it'll help me focus on that massive TBR stack and get a few read.

This weeks' book is Untraceable by Laura Griffin.  I discovered Laura Griffin through a few other bloggers back when I first started blogging and fell in love with her Tracers romantic suspense series.  I've only read a few of the more recent books and really hoped to get this first book in the series read. We're not going to talk about how long it's been sitting on my shelf!  With summer coming romantic suspense always appeals to me a bit more and this one looks really fun.

What book has been sitting on your TBR for far too long?


  1. Ooh hope it's good! For some reason i always like these rainy type covers too...

    Happy Friday!!

  2. So many books have been sitting on my TBR for a long, long time. I like the idea of this meme and might consider it at some point. Have not read any books by this author, but have been aware of her. If I ever get back to reading romantic suspense, I'll add her to my list.

  3. I always enjoy this long standing series whenever I pick one up. In fact I have quite a few in my tbr pile. I hope you enjoy it!

  4. You're in good company when it comes to too many books. Between library books, ARCs, and blog tours, I can barely keep my head above water. Yet, I'm counting the days to Book Expo, where I'll get even more books...I definitely need this meme you've found.

  5. I have SUCH a hard time keeping up with series and there are soooo many of them. I like reading romantic suspense in the summer as well. I have a huge stack sitting next to me that I really should get to reading.

  6. I read this one but sadly never got going going on the series. So much competition!

  7. I still haven't tried this series, but it looks really good. Keeping up on all the good ones let alone trying new ones is impossible. :)

  8. This sounds so good and I hope that if you have time to read it you will enjoy!

  9. OMG I just got this book! I just did an ARC of Laura's new book Desperate Girls-so now have been getting her books, and I just got this one a few days ago!!

  10. This looks really good. I have only read a novella written by Griffin but I really enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy this one once you get the chance to read it. Thanks for joining in this week!

  11. I have this one too! If you ever want to buddy read let me know! ;)

  12. I like rainy covers though most of mine are horror scenes!

  13. I hope you get a chance to read it soon! It looks mysterious.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  14. I feel your pain, Katherine - I, too, have books on my TBR pile that I'd rather weren't there...

  15. I have so many unread books too . . . I really like this idea and as soon as I get my blogging act together hope to join in soon too!

  16. The number of books on the tbr used to add to my sleepless nights but now I'm embracing my hoarding! It gives me lots to share on this feature, dating back to 2010!
