Saturday, January 13, 2018

This Week in Reading - January 14

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Nothing!  I mean granted I'm writing this on Tuesday since I'll be out of town this week but I'm still counting this as a win!


Reading:  Many a Twist by Sheila Connolly, Dream Lake by Lisa Kleypas, and Dial M For Mousse by Laura Bradford.

Listening:  I'm almost done with The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith.  I'm enjoying it but it does feel a bit too long.

Watching:  Not a huge amount. I need to find another binge worthy Netflix show.  We're kind of loose ends at the moment other than Top Chef.

Off the Blog:

On the Right - 1943 with his brother

I'm in Mississippi this weekend celebrating my Grandfather's 94th birthday.  Last year at this time he was in a bad place health wise which makes this year very special.  His health has tremendously and he's back to his old self.  We'll be spending the week watching movies and relaxing.  Last time I was there was the biggest snowfall in recorded history and I'm hoping there will not be a repeat!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Ramblings from the Stacks - Looking Back at 2017
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Bookish Resolutions
Wednesday:  Many a Twist - Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday:  Another One Bites the Crust - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  Dial M for Mousse - Cozy Mystery Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Happy birthday to your grandfather!! Hope you have a fabulous week visiting.

    Have you tried Longmire on Netflix? That's a pretty good show, I've been watching it and am now hooked!

  2. I really liked The Cuckoo's Calling, but agree, it did feel a bit long. I need to get to the second book in the series. I am glad to hear your grandfather is doing well. I remember how poorly he was doing last year. Happy Birthday to him! Enjoy your time in Mississippi.

  3. I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your grandpa's birthday! I'm glad he's doing better. Treasure them while they're around... I still miss my grandparents, and it's been almost 25 years.

    TV shows, hmm... have you tried the Father Brown mystery series?

    Have a wonderful week!

  4. Yay for an empty shelf this week. I liked he Cuckoo's Calling but yes was long. I liked the next books more. LOVE those pictures - Happy birthday to your grandfather! Hope you have a great week!

  5. The photos are amazing, and congrats on actually not hauling anything :) have a great week!

  6. Happy birthday to your Grandfather. That's a great age, especially as his health is good again. Have fun celebrating!

  7. Happy Birthday to your grandfather. Have a fantastic week 😊

  8. I hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration with your grandfather and many thanks for sharing such special photos:). I'll keep my fingers crossed that the snow stays away!

  9. First of all, wonderful pictures of your grandfather! He's about the same age as my Dad would have been. As others have said, treasure this time. Glad he's in a better place health-wise this year. THE CUCKOO'S CALLING was good and, yes, a bit long. I'll tell you now that all 3 of the books in the series are pretty long. Think she must have gotten the 'bug' for that after writing her final Harry Potter books. I loved all the Cormoran series though. Wish she would come out with another one.

  10. Happy birthday to your grandfather. Just knowing you are down in MS close to. My aunt and cousins now makes me smile. Seriously, the food at Mays restaurant is great but it’s inly 1 trip through the buffet so grab what you ant. Yes to the fried chicken.
    I liked the Cormoran Strike series and have read them all. They are long. I’m excited about the TV series, I may need to get back on Netflix.
    Right now I’m reading Finding Claire Fletcher. Moving back to Nicci French’s series next. Have a safe trip home!

  11. Happy Birthday to your Grandfather! I hope you have a wonderful visit and no snow! :)
    Safe trip home! Have a great week, Katherine! Happy reading! ox

  12. Celebrating 94 years sounds pretty amazing, and those pics look awesome! Like you, I continue to go through withdrawal every time Top Chef ends, but I've found a few good cooking shows on Netflix that are not the same, but still interesting. I'm reading the latest from James Rollins and lots of cookbooks. Happy Sunday! RO

  13. Happy Birthday to your Grandfather!!! Hope you a lovely visit.

    Happy reading!!

  14. Aw, enjoy your time with your grandfather! My dad turned ninety-one at the beginning of the month and I love to spend time with him.

  15. AW how wonderful you are visiting with your grandpa. 94 years! That's awesome. Mine are no longer alive. Enjoy the books you are reading and spending time with your family.

  16. Happy birthday to your grandfather! Glad he's doing well!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  17. I hope your grandfather had a wonderful birthday!

    Have a great week!

  18. I think I got enough for both of us this week!!! :) I finished Cuckoo's Calling and that is my complaint, it was to long for a crime novel. Hope your having a great time with your grandpa!

    Happy reading and have a great week!
    Week in Review

  19. Happy Birthday to your Grandfather!

  20. So special to have that time with your grandfather and a 94th is cause for big celebration. Hope you are enjoying the Kleypas book.

  21. I'm glad that your grandfather's health has improved :) Those are some cool photos! Every now and then I pester my grandmother to pull out her old photos-- they are always fun to flip through.

  22. Those photos are so cool! Happy birthday to your grandfather. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  23. How fortunate you are to mark this birthday with your grandfather. Thanks for sharing the photos. Wonderful!

  24. Oh that's wonderful he's doing better this year. Definitely cause for celebration. Love those photos :)

  25. Hope you had a wonderful birthday celebration with your grandfather. So glad he is feeling better, too!

  26. I hope your visit goes well. I am visiting my children in Melbourne. Reading has taken a back seat.

  27. Happy Birthday to your Grandpa! 94 is awesome! Thank you for sharing some photos :) Yay for no new books. I really need to have a few weeks that look like that. Have a great week.

  28. Happy birthday to your grandpa! 94 is awesome!

    I am tempted to read The Cuckoo's Calling...and I love Sheila Connolly's books.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  29. I'm glad your grandfather's health is back to snuff and he had a great birthday with his loved ones.
