
Sunday, April 9, 2017

This Week in Reading - April 9

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

A Crime of Passion Fruit by Ellie Alexander - I really love this cozy mystery series set in a cafe in Ashland, Oregon.  There are a few subplots where I really can't wait to see what happens next.  This is a series that needs to be read on a full stomach or you'll be wanting to make a bakery run.  The food descriptions are crazy good!  (NetGalley)

One Week to the Wedding by Olivia Miles - I have definitely caught the wedding connected book bug and I couldn't resist this new women's fiction from Olivia Miles who wrote the Briar Creek series which I really enjoyed.  This one involves sisters and friendships and people trying to face their demons.  Definitely sounds like my kind of read! (Publisher)

Watching the Detectives by Julie Mulhern - This is one of my absolute favorite cozy mystery series and I cannot wait to get reading!  Plus it has a very Clue feel!  (NetGalley)

The Hidden Thread by Liz Trenow - The Forgotten Seamstress was one of my absolute favorite books of 2014 and I'm really looking forward to this new book by Trenow involving silk merchants, orphans, and potentially unsuitable suitors.  (Publisher)


Reading: The Decorator Who Knew Too Much by Diane Vallere, Evil Under the Sun by Agatha Christie and Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.

Listening:  At Home by Bill Bryson which I'm almost done with.  It's been a really good listen even though there's an enormous amount of information.  Next up is Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.

Watching:  I discovered the Investigation Discovery App which happens to have all 100 episodes of Disappeared and I've been obsessing.  Needless to say I haven't watched much of anything else!

Off the Blog:

This week was all about best laid plans and the like.  I had a full week of appointments and necessary stuff laid out.  Then Sunday night the Tornado starting complaining about not feeling well and sure enough he had a temperature just shy of 100.  So he missed Monday and then Wednesday the governor declared a state of emergency because of the threat of tornadoes and other bad weather so no school Wednesday either.  Thankfully no tornadoes or even particularly nasty storms though we do have some branches down from high winds.

This weekend we're out of town visiting Emma and going to the A Day football game at her college.  I've never been to one so it should be interesting.  It's essentially a scrimmage but the have all kinds of family friendly activities so I think the Tornado should enjoy it too.  It's not super easy to find things for a 7 year old in a college town!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: A Simple Favor - Mystery Blog Tour Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Unique Books
Wednesday:  Gone Without a Trace - Mystery Review
Thursday: Stars Through Difficulties - Fiction Review
Friday:  Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: Road Food - Foodie Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Ooh you have the new Mulhern! Can't wait to hear about it (and read it). And a Crime of Passion Fruit sounds fun. Love that cover. :)

    Hope you had a great time at the football day! Sounds like fun. And hope you enjoy Ready Player One on audio- it was pretty good.

  2. I need to start the Mulhern series. You and Greg have convinced me over and over I need to read it. Now just to do it! I think after my current read, I'll be in the mood for another cozy. Too much seriousness. LOL

    Sounds like you had quite a week! I hope Tornado is feeling better and the weather threats have calmed down to nothing. I hope you enjoyed your weekend! My daughter can relate to Tornado's not having much to do in a college town--sort of. My mom took her to visit some elderly relatives this afternoon and Mouse came home complaining that it was boring, and all they did was talk, talk, talk. The only one who had fun, she said, was her. Haha.

    I hope you have a better week this week!

  3. Aww, sorry the Tornado wasn't feeling well :-/ but I'm glad to hear you didn't have any actual tornadoes. Have fun at the football game thing!

  4. Hmm One Week to the Wedding could be one I'd enjoy, haven't heard of the author but will look her up.

  5. A Crime of Passion Fruit sounds really interesting! I'll have to add that one to my TBR.

  6. Oh I can't wait for you to start Ready Player One!!I loved that audio so much. Hope you have fun this weekend and enjoy all your new books!

  7. Oh, yay, another Mulhern book! I love this series.

    I am also curious about A Crime of Passion Fruit, set in Ashland, Oregon, a place I used to visit every summer.

    Sorry your week got torn asunder by tornado threats and illness. Hope this week goes to plan.


  8. I have lived through the tail edge of a tornado and it wasn't fun. Don't think I could cope with a state of emergency. Hope you have a less eventful week this week.

  9. My neighbor in the previous town we lived in loved Bill Bryson. I remember her telling me about At Home. I've only read A walk in the woods, that was quite nice.

    You got some nice books this week! Enjoy and I hope there are no sick Tornadoes or any real tornadoes this week.

  10. Oh, At Home is one of my favorite Bill Bryson books! It was the first one I listened to. I found it so interesting! I just finished Made in America this week.

    I'm sorry the Tornado was sick, and hope he's feeling better. And I'm glad you didn't end up having tornadoes where you are. They are scary beasts!

  11. Ah!!! I've only read the first book in Ellie Alexander's book and I've been lost ever since. I don't have any of them at my library so I feel so lost without them. The only cozy mystery book series I've liked...
    lol. The Tornado complained about not feeling well. Is that an actual Tornado or a person?

  12. Glad you didn't have a tornado, it got pretty nasty here. :( Your new reads are tempting!!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  13. I almost requested A Crime of Passion Fruit but I realized it is book 6 in a series. I need to catch up on the cozy mystery series lol. I saw your pictures on Instagram and it looked like you had a lot of fun. I hope you have a great week and no more tornado warnings!

  14. Yeah... bestlaid plans and all of that. Children and weather together - those plans don't stand a chance. Hope you have a good week, preferably wind-free - and have a Happy Easter.

  15. Sounds like you have had a really busy week. I hope your son is feeling better and I am glad that the storms mostly missed you. Enjoy all of your new books!

  16. Aw poor kiddo! Hope yall are having a better week with no icky surprises!

  17. I'll check out that bakeshop mystery series; it sounds familiar. I hope Tornado is better by now. The college event sounds fun; nice of them to have activities for the families to build community and to get more support for their school.
