I'm linking up with Trish over at
Love, Laughter and a Touch of Insanity for A Day in the Life Blogger Event. The linkup is actually tomorrow but I'm posting today. I recorded March 19 because we've been out of town for most of this week. This is a fairly typical day for me. The 9 to 12 changes sometimes but the rest is pretty standard. Exciting I am not!
2:15 - The Tornado wakes up after upsetting his water glass all over him. I get him changed into dry pajamas and make sure his bed is dry which thankfully it is. I get him tucked back in and head back to bed.
2:45 - I look at the clock and realize I've been tossing and turning for 30 minutes.
6:00 - At some point I had thankfully fallen back in sleep. The Tornado wakes up and climbs in bed with me saying he wants to snuggle. This morning snuggle is code for asking questions but eventually he quiets down.
7:30 - Paul texts to ask if he can drive to school. This is his first morning driving but it was supposed to rain so we had told him he had to check with us because if it was pouring and really wet he wasn't going to be driving. The roads are a little wet but not too bad so he's on his way.
7:35 - J leaves for work.
7:40 - I finally come to the surface to realize that it's now 40 minutes past when I wanted to get up and roll out of bed. I head down and make coffee and check my email on my phone while the machine is going. The Tornado is still sound asleep so I decide that instead of using this time to get some blog work done I'm going to appreciate this rare treat of a quiet morning and watch TV while I drink my coffee. I turn on yesterday's The Chew and curl up on the couch with my coffee.
8:10 - The Tornado comes downstairs and snuggles up next to me. We sit for a few minutes and then he wants to watch his morning show. I turn it to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and do some review cross-posting.
8:25 - He's now awake enough to eat breakfast (we're not morning people) so I make him his breakfast (oatmeal), then make his lunch for school. You know those really fun looking Bento box lunch ideas where the kid eats something new every day? So not my kid. He gets his usual lunch of a cheese sandwich, goldfish (but only the ones in the green bag), and 2 Hershey kisses.
8:35 - His lunch box is on the counter. I go pick out his clothes and lay them out then remind him to do his jobs before I go upstairs to get ready. I wash my face, brush my hair, put on make up, etc. I don't have to go anywhere today and it's a cleaning day so clothes are yoga pants and a tshirt.
9:00 - The Tornado has eaten breakfast, gotten dressed, put the dog up and made his bed but didn't put his bowl in the dishwasher. We're running late so I ignore that and get his shoes and socks on and then out the door to school.
9:25 - The Tornado is now successfully dropped off. I get home to an empty house as Emma had to go into school early to make a test. I sit down to do a little blog work before I get going.
10:20 - What was supposed to be half an hour of blogwork turned into almost an hour. I talk myself into a 10 minute barre3 workout before starting the stuff that needs to get done today.
10:30 - Finish workout and get stuff together for cleaning. Clean upstairs, fold a load of laundry, unload dishwasher, rotate laundry, clean family room and kitchen table.
12:15 - Make and eat lunch. Input calories into my phone app. Straighten up kitchen and put cleaning supplies away.
12:45 - Go pick up the Tornado from school. Realize in carline that I forgot to take my allergy medicine this morning because my eyes are starting to itch like crazy.
1:10 - Get home. I check the mail and got an ARC that I've been looking forward to (thanks Bea for letting me know about this one!). Go through the Tornado's backpack and have him put it up. Get him a snack and let him pick a show (we seem to be in a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse mood lately).
1:20 - Take allergy medicine before the eye itchiness makes me lose my mind. Go put up laundry and realize I forgot to clean ceiling fan in master bedroom. Do the Pinterest pillowcase trick. Rotate laundry. Move chairs out of dining room. Vacuum and dust. Give the Tornado 5 minutes more to play school bus on the lined up chairs and then put them back in the dining room. Put vacuum cleaner and dusting stuff up. J calls in the middle of this so I talk to him for a minute. I resist the urge to go hide with my Kindle for awhile and also add clean dining room carpet to To Do list.
2:30 - Allergy medicine thankfully has kicked in so my eyes have stopped itching. The Tornado gets out his Legos and I sit down at the computer to get some blog work done. I go to NetGalley to download an approval that came through earlier today and try to resist checking the new titles. Start review for Serbian cookbook and for a blog tour that's happening on Monday. I'm also answering questions. Lots of questions. Between me being sick and other general craziness of the last few weeks the Tornado is out of the habit of playing on his own.
3:00 - Print out recipe for dinner and then assemble parts and get them in the crockpot. We're having
Honey Bourbon Crock Pot Chicken and later I'll make
the Pioneer Woman's Mashed Potatoes later.
3:30 - Crockpot is going and I take a page out of Gretchen Rubin's Better Than Before handbook and straighten up my desk. I take up the pile of books that's been sitting there and use the moment to read a little on the Kindle. The Tornado finds me and I end up reading a book to him.
4:00 - Emma comes running in and changes for work than runs out. I'm very grateful that I don't have to drive her around anymore.
4:15: I wasted a few minutes flipping through my calendar and realized that I don't have a book fora blog tour that's coming up in a couple of weeks. Shoot a quick email to another tour participant. Then the Tornado and I pick up his Legos. Paul comes in and we talk about how driving to school went than the Tornado and I do a few puzzles.
5:30 - I go peel potatoes and put them onto boil while the Tornado plays some more. Paul leaves for soccer practice and once again I'm grateful I don't have to drive the older ones anymore.
5:45 - J comes home. The Tornado picks out a show to watch - once again Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I finish making the potatoes, heat up the naan and make the sauce for the chicken.
6:15 Dinner - the chicken is pretty good. I use chicken breasts instead of thighs and leave out the sesame seeds. I do need 3 tablespoons of cornstarch to thicken up the sauce but everyone seems to like it.
7:20 - I finish getting the kitchen cleaned up and do a little blog visiting while the Tornado heats his dessert of Hershey kisses.
7:30 - I read the Tornado a story. Paul comes in from practice and heats up his plate from dinner.
7:50 - Go take a bath and read a few chapters of my current print book (Hideaway Cove by Anna Sullivan)

8:30 - Come downstairs and talk J into working on a puzzle. We've been trying to do things other than watch TV at night. I thought this would be a fun chance to talk and stuff. It turns out we are serious puzzle solvers. There was no talking but it was fun. Emma gets home from work around 9 and we talk to her for a minute.
9:45 - Stop the puzzle for the night and have some cake
10:15 - Head upstairs and get in bed. Time for Kindle reading.
11:50 - I realize I've read the same paragraph 4 times and have no idea what it says. It's bedtime!