
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Books I Read in 2014

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is my Top Ten Books read in 2014.  This a tough one because I read some fantastic books this year!  I'm not counting rereads so these are only first time reads!  So here's my top ten favorites from various genres.  Just click on the title to go to my review:


Delancey by Molly Wizenberg - I had loved Wizenberg's previous book but I think I loved this one even more.  I really had no interest in opening a restaurant but now I really have no interest!  That being said, I would wait in whatever line I had to wait in to get a seat in Delancey!

Murder on the Home Front by Molly Lefebure - a true account from a female journalist turned secretary to one of the most renowned early pathologists.  She gives us a look at the morgue and police investigations in World War 2 era London.

The Tastemakers: Why We're Crazy for Cupcakes but Fed Up with Fondue by David Sax - I read this book back in January and March and am still talking about it.  It's fabulous but don't go into a grocery store right after reading it or you will spend far too much money!

Louisa Catherine: The Other Mrs. Adams by Margery M. Heffron - I know a lot about John and Abigail Adams but I know very little about their son and President John Quincy Adams and even less about his wife.  This was a really interesting look at a little known First Lady.


Murder at Honeychurch Hall by Hannah Dennison - I really enjoyed this modern day mystery set in England.  It had touches of history, lots of mystery and great characters.  I'm hoping there will be another one out very soon.

Buried in a Bog by Sheila Connolly - Do you ever have an author whose writing just works for you and you're not even quite sure why?  That's Connlly for me.  Her mysteries are definitely not flawless but I always enjoy them.  This is the first of a series set in Ireland.  


When the Rogue Returns by Sabrina Jeffries - I read Jeffries when I first started reading romances back in college but had stopped years ago.  I was thrilled to rediscover her with this fabulous story.  The plot was intriguing and the characters were well developed.  


The Forgotten Seamstress by Liz Trenow - I was almost afraid to read this book as my expectations for it were so high but it didn't disappoint!  There's a lot of history, a touch of mystery and a good dose of heart.  

The Birds and Other Stories by Daphne du Maurier - This book wins the award for book I've recommend the most this year.  The Birds is the short story that Hitchcock loosely (and I mean loosely) based his movie of the same name on.  I've always thought the concept was kind of silly until I read the story.  Now I'll never look at birds the same way again.  The other stories in this collection are great too. 

Goodnight June by Sarah Jio - This is the most feel good book I read this year.  Throw in the children's book references and the treasure hunt through bookshelves and if you put this book down without a smile on your face I'm not sure we can be friends!

I wouldn't have expected it but this was probably one of my best years for non-fiction.  I had a hard time picking just a few and I definitely feel like I'm leaving great ones out.  What were your favorites this year?


  1. There are several books on this list that look good. I've added Murder at Honeychurch Hall to my list for sure, and Goodnight June as well. I've been seeing Sarah Jio's name pop up a lot but must have missed this one, but I like the premise of it. Nice reviews of both!

    1. I think you would enjoy Honeychurch Hall! It was really fun!

  2. Why haven't I read Delancey yet? I loved A Homemade Life. Great list, Katherine.

    1. You MUST read Delancey!! I think I even liked it better than Homemade Life.

  3. Yes! Delancey was SO GOOD! I have to read the first one.

    1. You should definitely read the first one. It'll definitely give you a better understanding of Molly.

  4. OK I really need to read Murder at Honeychurch Hall and The Forgotten Seamstress, they both sound right up my street. Always a good sign of a great years reading when it's hard to pick out your top reads, hope 2015 is as good :)

    1. Yes you must! Both are so good! I have my fingers crossed for 2015!

  5. Thanks for these - my Christmas will be full. I do want to read about the wife of John Quincy Adams. A new book is out - recommended in the Wall Street Journal - about JQA.

    1. I'll have to look for that one! Louisa Catherine made me want to find out more about JQA!

  6. I don't count re-reads either as it wouldn't be fair. There's a good reason I'm re-reading them because I already love them so much. :)
    Wow.... I know one author on your list. Lol. I'm glad you found some good non-fiction. I don't read enough of it. In fact I don't think I've read a non-fiction book this year. I'll need to go check my list.
    Here's to an even better 2015!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Exactly on the rereads! It's not a big a surprise that I love Agatha Christie! I don't normally read much nonfiction but most of what I read was really good!

  7. Great list, Katherine! The only one I've read is Murder at Honeychurch Hall, which would have been in contention for my top ten if I hadn't narrowed mine to SFF. But I will have to check out a few of your others - Sheila Connolly is on my list to read.

    1. I loved your list! Honeychurch was so great! I'm really looking forward to the next one.

  8. Nice list!! I haven't read any of the books on your list, but look forward to discovering new ones for 2015!! Here's a link to my TTT for this week:

    1. I hope 2015 is a great reading year for all of us!

  9. I'm not ready to think about my top ten list yet. Is the year really almost over? This time of year always sneaks up on me too fast. I don't think I read any nonfiction this year. Crazy.

    I enjoyed reading your list, Katherine. I have all your mysteries and romance novels on my must read list. They all sound good!

    1. Right! I'm not even sure I'm used to writing 2014! I hope you enjoy all your TBR reads!

  10. I haven't read Delancey yet but I want to! I've also seen Goodnight June on several lists recently. I had a few nonfiction my favorites list--not sure without looking what my fic/nonfic ratio was this year. The fiction I read was really forgettable. :(

    1. My fiction wasn't the best this year either. A few were great but most were pretty forgettable.

  11. Woots! Love Jeffries. She was one of the first historical authors I read that snagged me. Turned out she was one of my local authors which made it even better :) So glad to hear you've found her books again!

    1. How awesome that she's local! I do love her books!

  12. Goodnight June sounds wonderful, I just love feel-good stories!

    1. Then you should definitely read Goodnight June! It was probably my favorite feel good of the year.

  13. I adore Jeffries and would love to read the Forgotten Seamstress. I would love to own a coffeehouse bookstore but would want to be off enough to have staff run in while I did book clubs, kids corner and chatted with customers over coffee while blogging. Dream big right?

    1. That sounds fabulous! I would love something like that locally!

  14. Ha - that Cupcakes/Fondue book may be required reading, as I live in the land of fondue and am getting (dare I say it?) a little tired of it...

    1. I love fondue but it's definitely special occasion food here! I could see getting tired of it if it's a regular thing.

  15. Yep, several books there I read & loved. Great list!

  16. I'll have to recommend Louisa Catherine: The Other Mrs. Adams to my mom; she is fascinated with the Adams'.
