
Monday, December 15, 2014

The Shepherd, The Angel, and Walter the Christmas Miracle Dog - Review

The Shepherd, The Angel, and Walter the Christmas Miracle Dog by Dave Barry

Rating: 4.5 Stars
Source:  Purchased

Description:  It's 1960 and time for the annual Christmas pageant at St. John's Episcopal Church.  This year Doug Barnes gets to be a Shepherd which is better than the Three King he was last year because you get to carry a stick.  Unfortunately Mrs. Elkins takes this pageant very seriously and Judy Flanders, the girl who Doug has a crush on is Mary opposite the coolest boy in school.  There's also car ants, Frank and his squirrel tendencies, Walter, and a whole lot of bat poop.

Genre: Fiction

Why I Picked This Book:  I've always enjoyed Barry's humor books and I heard an excerpt of this read and thought it sounded really funny.

My Impression:
Pros: I've been reading a lot of sweet Christmas romances and I was a bit sweeted out but wanted to stay with the Christmas spirit.  That's when this short, quirky little story came to mind.  This is actually a reread but if anything I enjoyed it as much if not more this time than the first time around.  The narrator is a boy - about 10 - who comes across as very much a boy of that age.  When he's at school or practicing for the Christmas pageant his focus is on Judy Flanders a pretty girl who is nice to him.  His description of their "date" will have you both laughing and cringing at the awkwardness. Doug's descriptions of things are pretty funny - like how Doug's dad is in advertising which his mom says means he drinks martinis at lunch.  The description of Doug's dad putting together the bike had me laughing and the Christmas pageant descriptions will be both funny and painful to anyone who has tried to do anything similar with children.  The science project (which leads to the car ants) had me laughing though it will possibly give me nightmares.  The book itself is more of a shorter novella with a scattering of photographs and illustrations.  It's a quick read which is perfect for this time of year because my downtime is the 25 seconds between when I sit down and when I fall asleep.

Cons: None that I can think of.  I really enjoyed this book.

Overall: The story is sweet but not in a sugar coated way but in the odd sweet way you get in real life with little kids.   It's funny without being slapstick - well the end is a little slapstick but it worked.  It's Christmas- without being Santa overload and it made me want a really big dog again.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: While this is the first fiction book I've read by Barry I've really enjoyed his humor books in the past. I"m looking forward to trying more of his fiction later.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes, this would be a good holiday book for those that don't enjoy the plethora of holiday romances but still want a good Christmas story.  Plus, I think this would be a fun read aloud to kids.


  1. I really like Dave Barry's books. He's just so funny. Have you read any of the Peter Pan books he wrote with Ridley Pearson. Those are really good, too. I'm really curious about this book, and I will have to make time to read this sometime.

    1. I haven't read the Peter Pan books but this one has me wanting to try them!

  2. Looks like a sweet read - new author to me.

    1. I've been reading him since I was about 12. He's one of the reasons I ended up getting an English degree.

    2. I think I started reading him around 12 as well. I don't love everything but he's normally reliable.

  3. Oh you continued reading..and wow it ended up being pretty darn good but wait this is a re-read? I love that the narration is from the 10 year old boys perspective and that there is humor.

    1. It was a reread but it had been a few years so I had forgotten a lot of it. It's a fun read!

  4. Oh this is one my mom would love I think. She enjoys his humor :)

  5. He's so humorous-- I've read his newspaper column for years in the past, and used to watch Dave's World, a sitcom based on his real life, many years ago.

    I think I would like to pick this one up in print to see the illustrations and all. Sounds like a delightful read, so thanks for reviewing it.

    1. I forgot about Dave's World! I only watched a few episodes but it was always a lot of fun. While I think this story would work in ebook form I do think print is better because of the pictures.

  6. I'll have to try this one. Barry's humor is hot or miss with me but this sounds promising.

    1. I agree. The exploding toilet stuff doesn't do much for me but this is more like his everyday life stories.

  7. This sounds like a good one. Great review!

  8. I love child narrators and I love that it sounds so funny too. I always think that can stop a book getting too sugary! Sounds good :)

    1. It's definitely a fun read! I liked how natural it felt. The narration definitely sounded like the thought process of a ten year old boy in the best possible way.

  9. I've read some of Barry's nonfiction humor and he's pretty funny. I can imagine this becoming a short, delightful Christmas favorite.

    1. It really is! It's definitely one I can picture reading again.

  10. I've been reading a lot of holiday romance too. This does sound like a nice change, but still in the spirit. I will have to look for this one.

    1. This one is so fun and a nice change from all the romance.

  11. This sounds like great fun! I'll have to see if I can find it.

  12. For some reason, this book is currently highlighted on your blog. We read this book every Christmas and laugh our way through it...or cry, as it were. Love it!
